Chapter 25

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I felt strong arms holding me, and he shook me lightly.

"Baby girl, look at me" said the Devil turning my face upwards.

I couldn't breath, tear coming out. I felt a light caress against my cheekbones wiping my tears away.
I was panicking, the Demon was back and this time he will have me.

"No no, he will have me and make me suffer just like he made her suffer" I cried and trashed

"Baby girl, listen to my voice only. I got you. I won't let anyone do anything to you" the Devil promise.

He pull my face up to look at him and he stared breathing in and out and I soon follow. Looking into his eyes, I completely break down. I felt so safe inside his arms. He rubbed my back and took me inside the ladies room and locked the door. I was like a lose child completely broken. He grabbed my bag and took my make up remover and wiped my face gently. I just looked at him but couldn't do anything. Once all the make up was gone, he shake me lightly.

"Baby girl tell me what happen, did anyone touch you inappropriately" he whispered with concern.

Bring me back to my senses, I pushed him away and scream like a mad woman.

"I don't need your help, stop pretending that you care and you mean except you touching me inappropriately" I hissed.
I pushed him away and walk off.

I went outside, the cold chill air made my face tingle and that felt good.
I looked up at the sky million of tiny glitter sparkles on that huge dark wallpaper. Its so beautiful. I inhale and exhale the icy air.

I felt a presence behind me I turned around and saw the Devil.

"We got nothing but a professional relationship if your please excuse me, I still got to look after tonight's event" I retorted back and walk off.

Well tried to.

His face instantly harden he grabbed my arm and turn me around push me against the wall.

He was breathing so hard and our body pressed against each other. If the situation would have been different sure I would have gave in already but he was the enemy and I can't let my guard down specially when my body is betraying me like this craving for his touch like he said.

He brought his face so close to mine, I felt his breath against my cheek.

"I'm trying to be nice and that's how you thank me" he angrily.

" I didn't ask for your help and why you behaving like this with me, is it because of the reputation" I replied angry trying to free myself.

"I dont know why in the first place you hate me so much and now you behaving completely opposite" I quickly added.

He smirked at brushes his lips against my cold cheek and whispered "when the right time came, you will remember everything".

I was confused and he took that opportunity.

He bent down, his lips against my cheek, brushing it lightly and my brain was out of service . That light touch sent shivers through my nerves, shivers that made my whole body tremble.
"If you want me to stop, tell me now," he whispered.
I couldn't process the word he was saying.When i still said nothing, he brushed his mouth against the hollow of my temple. 'Or now.' He traced the line of my cheekbone. 'Or now.' His lips were against mine.

I couldn't resist anymore, the past event long forgotten, the hurtful words i said to him gone a well.
I reached up and pulled him down to me, and the rest of his words were lost against my mouth. He kissed me and it wasn't with gentleness his kiss was dominating and as if he was famished for my lips. I knotted my fists in his shirt, pulling him harder against me. He groaned softly, low in his throat, and then his arms circled me, gathering me against him, and pushed me against the wall, still kissing."

he rubbed his thumb along my jaw dow to my neck and the way his tongue seemed to disappear inside my mouth as if he needed a part of me to breathe himself.

Just as quickly as his hands laced with me , he kissed me even harder. I responded with such enthusiasm that he was taken aback at first, but regained his composure and reminded himself of what was happening; he was really kissing me and i was really kissing him, and the world around us was meaningless.

Devil pov

Nothing could have possibly meant more than this moment, nothing could have more beauty than this moment: those small hands pressed into mine, the way her round eyes fluttered to a close. She fit into me like a glove, her kiss like the beating of a butterfly's wings, soft until it became addictive. It was the murmuring, cool breeze of a summer evening

And I felt myself falling fast, craving her scent and the feel of her so close to me, unsure where I will ended but surely i will make sure she will be with me. I had never been more grateful to have life until now. I would have rather walked into hell again and again than lose this: her entrancing magical eyes, her captivating smile against his lips, her laugh when he did something stupid, her hair and how it fell over her shoulder when she looked at me.

But my stupid, stupid lungs had to find air, and i was forced to separate from her with the feeling of gravity being torn out of my core. Somehow, she had been moved up onto a ledge, sitting high above me and disconnecting her hands from my (with another pitiful drop in my stomach) so she could run them through my hair, and i closed my eyes at her touch.

She was looking up at me with such an inviting warmth that i wanted to kiss her again, but realisation came back to me. I can't let her win now, I still got to make her suffer a little bit more then after my revenge you will remember my sweet kitten and then you will be fully mine. It's becoming harder and harder to resist her now, with all these guy around her. I want to ripe their head off.

I had become addicted, and she knew it, but this was short and sweet. God, i had forgotten how much i loved her.

But I need to stop and put some distance between us else all my plan will fail at that rate.

Bella pov

When he was non-respondent, i pulled away. He took a step back, heat rising to my face. "We shouldn't have done that." he replied breathless

"What are you talking about?" i said heart broken, damn I was falling hard. watching him bemusedly, I stood up completely embarrassed with myself.

"The kiss?" His voice was hoarse. He cleared his throat, I just laughed at him to hide my embarrassment.

"Well, it meant nothing consider you the one that jump on me" I brushed my dress.

"I can leave you alone if it would make you feel better, or I can stay and we'll just," he paused to shrug, "not talk about it."

I couldn't believe what he just said. I turned around and slapped him hard and with teary eyes and trembling body I took off and went inside.

"I really hate crying in front of people."

After the kiss, everthing went smoothly and the event was a great success.

I went home and i lay inside my fussy warm bathtub in the silent, blueberry scented room. My tears had stopped, but a singular remainder trailed down me.

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