Chapter 7

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There's a certain level of tiredness that equates to insanity and for me, i was beyond exhausted.

Well, you see, after the phone call, Catty insists that to her words, not mine.

"Even if you are starting a job in hell, you must look classy, elegant and sexy and that not happening with your waitress clothes," and here i was, exhausted on the couch drowning on my shopping bag.

She made me visit all the shops in the mall, we bought blouses, skirts, pants,coats, underwear, handbag, shoes, make up and so many more stuff you name it we bought everything. 

After 5 long torturing hours of shopping, we were finally done and
We ordered pizza. Soon after eating, i went to unpack my stuff.

It was 7 o'clock in the afternoon and just finished unpacking my last stuff, i plopped on the bed and made an exhausted sound.

Catty knocked on my door.

"Come in," i yelled.

She enters with her pj on and a bunch of products in a small basket, making  her way toward my bed and sitting on it facing me.

"What is this cat?" i gave her a questioning look.

"You made me so tired today. You made me walk for hours,  damn i officially hate shopping now, thanks to you, " i said in my most exhausted voice.

"Stop being a drama queen girl. That was nothing it was only 2 hours," she said as if it was nothing.

"5 hours Cat nonstop and you didn't even buy me food," i pout.

"Well, to cheer you up, my dear Bella, as tomorrow is your first day at work, i decided to pamper you a little bit," she replied and quickly added

"Who knows, maybe my magic fingers will make some head turn, and maybe that the Devil boss of your was well," she said, smirking

"Duh, as if he hates my gut, why would you think that? and you know that not even a single guy is into me. Some think im a freak cause i got different eye colors, " i said, exasperated.

"They freaking idiot, i found your eyes magical. i wish i had eyes like yours," she said, trying to comfort me.

"If i correctly remember Trent was into you, he even gets into a fight for you," she said.

"That was in high school Cat, he was a creep always following me around , he fought for himself to save his honor if i remember correctly and even tried to kiss me damit" i told her crunching my nose with a disgusting look.

"But seriously, Mathias Devin hates me, and what if he makes me really his slave and i can't escape for 2 years, or else i will be the one going to jail. God, I'm at his mercy, " i said while a terrifying shiver went through my body.

"I know, babe, but as far as i known you always find your way through your trouble. That's what i admire about you. You are so strong!" she said in her sweet and reassuring voice.

I gave her a big hug.

"Okay enough, chit, chatting, you getting me emotional. Now let my magic hands do wonder to that pretty face of yours!" she said while getting her products ready.

I got my robe on, and Catty put a headband on my hair and wrapped in in a towel and made me lean on a pillow with my neck on it.

She put some soft music on and lit some candle the aroma was so relaxed.

"Thanks, Cat. i love you, you know how to make me feel better," i said with a sigh.

After cleansing and applying moisturizers, i closed my eyes i felt her fingers gently press and roll along my brow bone from the inner to outer corners using a light pressure her oil was so pleasant to smell lavender and vanilla.

Fingers firmly press between my brows, and she slide them up to my forehead until she reach my hairline. Work her way outward until she covered my entire forehead.

I must say that was relaxing

She start with my chin, cradle my jaw between her fingers on either side, and slowly draw them up toward my ears in a sweeping. Position her fingers underneath my cheekbones. Finish by lightly pinching the apples of your cheeks.

She uses her roller using gentle pressure, the larger roll end in an upward motion along my cheeks, jawline, and forehead.

Then, she flipped the roller and used the smaller end to reach the areas underneath and above my eyes as well as the patch of skin between my eyebrows .

After that, she put on some face mask on and to slice of cucumber on both sides and start doing my nails.

I started to relax and fell asleep.

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