Chapter 30

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My hand went instantly on my necklace. I wore it as my good luck charm.

I caress the necklace in deep thought

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I caress the necklace in deep thought.

"You can't be my Mat" I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Yet I am angel " he smile at me.

He came closer to me and caress my neck.

"I see you still wearing my necklace".

"But that still doesn't explain why you hate me". I said in a small voice.


Bella pov

I'm 17 and life is going not so smoothly. That ass Trent is making my life even more miserable since he join some gang. He would time to time make fun of me or try to have his way with me.

But Dean so far has been my knight in shining armour. I wonder for how long he is going to do that since him and Catty are together, I'm not excluded from the group but I didn't want to the third wheel. So I can't relie on him for long. So I asked Dean to train me in self defence and so far I can say I can manage few punches and kicks.

Today's weather seems very gloomy. I wonder if it was a sign. I really wanted to stay at home but mom wanted something from Dean's mom so I had to go.

I took a shower with my favourite blueberry shower gel and shampoo. After that I wore my khaki waist pants and white lacey off shoulder blouse.

At Dean's house, I greeted Mrs. M

"Hey, Mrs. M how are you. You looking gorgeous as always" I said hugging her.

"Hi Pumpkin I'm very well thank you and I must say you the one looking stunning" she said caressing my face.

I couldn't help but smile at the motherly affection since she was like a mother figure to me.

"Hey save some for me, I know now why I don't get any more hugs from you now" said a voice behind me.

I couldn't help myself but roll my eyes to him obviously it was Dean duh.

I stuck my tongue out "I'm the favourite " I wink him.

Mrs. M laughed and asked me if I would stay for dinner.

I couldn't say no to her.

After dinner Dean told me there was a party one of his friends cousins is throwing and really wanted me to go with him and check it out.

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