Chapter 35

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"Hey Jasmin, can I try that dress please?" I asked

She looked at the dress and her face changed. " but Mr Devin said no revealing clothing."

"Well, Mr Devin will not wear that dress, will he?" Smirk back.

The Devil was furious.

Too late Jasmin handed me the dress, and I rushed to the changing room before he could protest.

I put the dress on, damn that dress was a bombshell. I looked hot in it.

I was about to take it off when I incredible idea came to me.

I went out, and the Devil was focused on his phone. At the same time, a group of businessmen came in the shop.

The Devil lift his head, his eyes widden, and a strange emotion crosses his eyes, which is completely black.

I twirled around and did poses, all the guys eyes were on me. "So what do you think?".

As of bring he back to his imaginary world, he stood up, and he saw the guys eyeing me.

"Stop staring at her, keeping on doing you fucking business" he yelled.

He came to me and through his jacket on me and buttoned the jacket with my hand still inside. His jacket was big enough to reach my mid thighs.

"Send all the stuff at the my house" he pulled me out of the store.

He pushed me inside the car and buckled me up and drove off. I'm record time we reach his place.

"That was so embarrassing, how dare you humiliate me like that huh" I screamed. He unbuckled me and I took his jacket off throw it at him.

"It's my body, I have the right to do anything I want" I yelled getting inside the elevator.

"These fuckers wanted to fuck you right there with that short little dress you were wearing". He yelled back.

"Maybe I would have let one fucked me" I yelled back with anger.

I saw his face turned red, he pushed me hard against the elevator. "I will never ever let someone else touch you, remember you are mine" he whispered each word with anger.

"Thats for me to decide who I want to fuck or not" I said back looking straight in his eyes.

"Well wearing this short dress will make it happen even faster, men will be throwing themselves on you like you said earlier" he grinding his teeth.

"You said men!, so that mean you do not want to fuck me?" I asked without thinking and instantly regret I said that.

His face suddenly changes from anger to smirk. He came closer to my face, he put his front head on mine and closed his eyes he inhaled deeply.

"Not wanting to fuck you! baby girl you know how much control I had to put on myself when I'm around you. I want to fuck you in ways that you can't even imagine. I want you to scream my name every time I'm taking you. I want to take you right here right now. That fucking short dress I want it for my eyes only not other fuckers" he said in a low voice looking like in pain.

My down there clenched and was wet with all the things he said. I really wanted him too but is he the right one. He pulled back and looked me in the eyes i was speechless and didn't say anything. I notice the Devil adjusted his down there. My face was red.

We reached the flat level and we got out.

"Are you hungry, we can order something if you want" he asked.

"You don't have to worry about me, be assured that I will pay for the clothing and other stuff and I will pay the rent as well and I will just cooking to make it as if I'm not using you" I said in one breath.

He just looked at me and spaced out.

"Right use me, ahem I mean cook for me sure, I go take a shower and change. Maybe you should too" he replied.

I smirk back "I'm fine in these clothes".

With that I turned around and make dinner.

When he came back he was still looking at me. I did everything extra sexy for him. Just to tease him.

I set his plate infront of him, and was about to go when he hold my hand.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Well till I don't pay, I will not eat anything here" I replied I tried to go again when he pulled me on his lap and twirl his fork on the pasta and put it near mouth.

It look so mouthwatering, I really wanted to eat that bowl of love. But I had to resist.

I feel a hand caressing my bare back and my thigh, I gasped in surprise and he took advantage and pushed the food in my mouth.

He hold me tight and was about to feed me more when his phone rang and I took the opportunity to run.

The feeling of tingle of caress was still there gosh he make me so vulnerable.

The stuff he bought earlier was here already, took a shower with my blueberry shampoo and put on a pair short shorts and a singlet. I put on my slippers. It was midnight and my belly was exploding with hunger.

Think the Devil will already be asleep, i tiptoed to the kitchen, I took a bowl of pasta and some bolognese sauce and I hide under the dining table and ate in peace not wanting to get caught.

When suddenly, the light in the kitchen turned on. I stopped eating and hold my heavy breath afterwards i heard the fridge open and close. The light turned off after.

I exhale in relief and was about to take a bite when he the Devil scrouched down staring at me. As if a child caught red handed.

I was embarrassed and just smile.

He put a hand infront and I hand him the bowl. He put it on the table and took my hand.

I slowly got off the table when my head hit the table.

"Ouch" I cried low.

"Hey are you okay!" the Devil turned abruptly face full of worried.

"Yeah I'm fine just knock my head, punish of trying to be a thief" I laughed

He put some ice on my head and re heated my food.

"Listen Bella, I have this one rule. I will never punish anyone regarding food and certainly not you. Try to feel at home and you don't need to hide" he smile.

A genuine smile. He bought back my bowl and set it on the table.

"I'm sorry, about earlier for my behaviour" I smile back.

"Have you eaten?" I asked.

"Well how could I when I knew you went to sleep without eating dinner" he replied.

I offered him my fork of pasta and we both ate. We talk a little bit and laugh and after that we went to sleep.

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