Chapter 8

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5 years ago

"Hey, get in the car quick we getting late," yelled Dean.

"Geez, hang on, i'm coming," i said with a mouthful of my pancake and running toward the car at the same time.

"Ew, that was gross finish eating before talking," said Catty in her most disgusting on her face and open the door for me.

"Well, good morning to you too, besties,"i said sarcastically, sticking my tongue out.

I saw Dean shaking his head and drove off to school.

"Your sister not coming today?" Question, Dean.

"Nah, she got the flu or something," i replied.

Arriving inside the school, Dean parked his car, and we got off and made our way to our lockers, which was beside each other.

Looking at Dean, he was wearing a plain white t-shirt with his leather jacket, black pants, and his converse.

He was looking at Catty with a dreamy look, Catty was wearing a beautiful spaghetti strap pale pink dress with a denim jacket and sandals.

Shaking my head, i removed my stuff and saw my reflection in my small mirror. I was wearing a dark grey crop top with my pale blue jeans, an adidas zipper jacket with my Converse.

"So guys, what you have for first period?" i asked them, hoping one of them got the same as me.

"Chemistry," said Catty

"English," i said

Turning to Dean, we both look at him and:

he said "Chemistry"

With a defeated look, i wave them goodbye.

I made my way to the English class, which was on the other side of Chemistry class. I plopped on my usual seat beside the window, and slowly, the class filled up, and the lesson began.

Halfway through the class, the door burst open and came in

Trent Rogers

He was the school bad boy. He was well built up for a 17 years old guy. Blond hair, green eyes perfect tan skin. Just like the dreamy beach boy.

I might admit that he was handsome, but i was certainly not interested in him as his aura screamed trouble and danger.

Trent looked around the class as if searching for something or someone, and i knew who that person was.

I lowered my face behind my book, but it was too late he made his way in my direction and got his goofy smirk on his face.

God damn i hate that guy.

Lucky for me, someone was sitting beside me. But nothing is impossible for him. He moved the guy beside me and plopped himself on the seat.

I kept my face glued on my book. In case you are wondering why the teacher didn't do anything. Well, Trent was a pain in the ass if you get him in trouble, his rich family will ruin the person's career as they were very powerful people.

He was trying to talk to me, but i kept reading. From the corner of my eyes he was wearing some jeans and a black shirt with his leather jacket and god he smelled like cigarettes.

Upon hearing the bell ring, i quickly packed my stuff and tried to run out. But he was blocking my way.

"Can you move, i need to go," i said almost irritated voice.

Nearly all the class was empty by now, and i a sudden wave of frightened went through my body, i was really scared now. My hand moved to my necklace and clutched to it hard.

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