Chapter 11

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After our encounter he send me back to my office.

But without forgetting to give me tonne of work .

I had to analyse and find pros and cons for each project and let me tell you that there were more than 30 files.

I growl, putting my reading glasses on and proceed.

I don't know how much time had pass. I was into getting this done today, to show the Devil that how good i'm and accepted any challenges.

I heard a knock, i was typing with one hand and scribbing some notes at the same time with the other.

"Wow relax there tiger" said a female voice.

Lifting my eye i saw Freedie laughing at the doorway.

"I have to finished that before we finished work as i want to prove that Devil wrong that any of his work was easy for me" i said with a pen in my mouth while typing with both hands.

"And I'm nearly done just few files left" i replied

"You know, it says by eating you have more energy to work faster" she said

"Who said that" i look at her with a questioning look

"Hmm, me" she reply preptend to think.

With that i laugh and nod my head.

"Okay I'm coming, lets try those sandwiches" i said excitedly.

Saving my documents, i put the computer on standby. Grabbing my bag we proceed to the elevator which was crowded because it was lunch time.

Entering the cafeteria, i was gobsmacked. It was so beautiful and luxurious.

See all these beautiful decor, sure the Devil must own a lot of money

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See all these beautiful decor, sure the Devil must own a lot of money.

"Yes, i know right extravagent" Freddie said.

"Well let just go eat, shall we" i say as i gesture her to lead the way.

I took the Garlic butter italian sausage.

Imagine a garlicky sausage stuffed into a crusty bun, then covered in melty cheese and tomato sauce; let that sink in.

It was beyond good, i mean it stuffed was to the brim with more goodies than your hungry self can handle. My tummy grumbling instantly.

We sat by the big wall glass showing the beautiful view of the city, truly it felt like a 5 star restaurant to me.

"Hey what did you get" i ask Freddie.

"Since I'm vegetarian, i got the vegan smoky tahini jackfruit sandwich" she replied

Looking at the plate damn that good really delicious just by the look of it. Smokey flavors aren't reserved for meat only because this sandwich proves it. Vegans get to enjoy the essence of BBQ with this glorious pulled jackfruit phenomenon. I must admit this chef was very talented.

I was about to dig in when a guy stood in front of our table.

"Hello ladies, may i join in please?" asked a guy who i might say was quite handsome.

"Evans" she greeted bitterly.

"Who is that beautiful lady over here" he asked looking at me

"Meet my new friend Annabella who is also the PA of the boss" exclaim Freedie if i was not mistaken a menacing voice.

Is being the boss PA a dangerous job or what.

"Oh my sweet Freedie, still a big fan of me i see." he replied sarcastically toward Freedie.

"You may call me Adam" he say shaking my hand.

Now taking a closer look at him, he look quite familiar. He had soft features, a bit similar to mr. Devil with brown hair but blue eyes and was very well dress.

"So my dear Annabella, may i?" He asked while pointing at the chair.

"Sure go ahead and please call me Bella" i said smiling.

"So, Bella how is your first day going so far" he ask while taking a bit of his food.

"I never told you that today was my first day, how did you know?" i exclaim while lifting an eyebrow at him.

"Touché" i heard Freedie giggling.

"News travel fast my dear Bella and the office are hungry for new gossip" he replied.

"And what are they saying about me?" I questioned.

"They says that your beauty is breathtaking and your eyes exotic, so i had to see by myself. Shall i tell you these news does not do you justice, you beyond that" he replied with a cheesy reply.

"Cut the crap will you i think her food has already enough butter, she doesn't need anymore buttering" Freedie said annoyed.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Is she your next target in your filthy womanizer list?" Asked a fuming Freedie.

"Don't be jealous,you wish to be on that list too so you can have some of these" he said pointing at him.

It was like in a marathon my head going back and fro.

I didn't know why these two had their differences and behind this hatred there might be something else. Adam was very handsome not as the boss though.

Why was i comparing them, am i not suppose to hate the Devil?.

"Bella?" Said Adam

"Yes, sorry i just remembered some thing job related" i quickly covered.

"It was nice having lunch with you, we shall meet again" he replied while taking my hand.

"Am I invisible to you? I'm here as well" said an angry Freedie.

Adam just shook his head and proceed to kiss my hand which was kind of weird by the way.

I was about to eat my sandwich halfway through my mouth i heard a loud voice.

"Damn will i ever get a chance to eat you in peace" i whispered to my sandwich.

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