Chapter 15

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I woke up in a strange place. I rubbed my head, the dull thud eased slightly.

"Where am I? Do I know those silky curtains?."

" what happened?".

Yesterday's event start playing in front of me and i freaking slap the Devil.

The bed was very comfy though. I don't remember anything after the slap. I look under the cover, i was wearing an oversize white tee and no bottom only my panties.

I was wondering who changed me and most importantly where was i.

There is a soft knock on the door.

I heard footsteps, it was a woman in her late 40ies, her leg was twisted and she used an intricately carved cane.

"Hello, my name is Carmen". She said smiling

"My name is Annabella" I replied smiling back then I paused,

"Carmen, Where am I?" I asked.

"This is Mr. Devin mansion" She replied smiling at me.

"You've been out the whole night and its currently 6 o'clock". She replied.

"You mean Tuesday?" I questioned.

"No dear, Wednesday morning" she replied.

I just make an "oh" sound.

"Excuse me Carmen!, do you have any idea who changed me?" i shyly question.

"Actually darling, it was..." she was saying when the door burst open. The Devil enters the room.

"Thank you, you may go Carmen" he said.

We both look at Carmen leaving the room and softly close the door behind her.

"I hope he won't talk about the slap" i prayed inside my head.

Turning his face towards me, he smirk and i tighten the blanket over me.

"Well sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up" he said sarcastically.

Phew thank god he didn't mention it and sleeping beauty.

"Does he think i'm beautiful?" I wondered.

I didn't think twice and ask him.

"Did you undress me?" i asked with a frown.

He look at me for a second and smirk back again.

"Of course baby girl, i touched every inch of your skin and every part of your body. I must say we had a wild night. Hope you not too sore" he said in his normal voice.

I was beyond shocked how could i be so stupid to lose my virginity with this jerk.

I saw red, yesterday's event plus what he just told me, that was it for me. I burst. I grabbed the nearest thing by my side and it was a pillow, i throw it straight on his face.

He was shocked at first but he dodge it.

I was furious, i stand up and went infront of him.

I poke his chest.

"HOW DARE YOU" i yelled and i was punching him.

He was trying to stop me by holding my arms but i was moving a lot.

So he put a hand over my mouth to stop me from talking and the other around my waist.

It took me by surprise. Coming back to my senses, i pushed him. He slipped on something maybe the silky duvet.

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