Chapter 40

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Our meeting was scheduled for tomorrow. We entered the extravagent hotel. Damn that was a pleasure to the eyes just by looks of the outside.

Getting off the car, we made out way to the lobby. There were no words to describe the beauty of the interior. So beautiful, elegant chic and modern. Our ideas on that project was a great success and the fruit of our hard work was here infront of us.

"How is it, seeing it in person?" asked Laurent.

"Just like candy to my eyes, no words to describe the beauty of it" I replied mesmerized.

"Well I know a particular person who work their butt hard for it" he smile signal his head to the Devil who was talking on his phone.

"Definitely and he look exhausted we all look like it, we really need that getaway for few days" I smile.

"What you guys whispering about go on Bella get us checked in" the Devil interrupted harshly.

I was too tried to argue, the Devil was talking to Laurent and showing something on the ceiling. Gosh he is never satisfied of anything. I rolled my eyes. They were few feet away from me.

Making my way to the receptionist, I saw a woman standing behind the counter, there was a big smile on her face. "Good customer service" I murmur.

I stood in front of her, she kept on smiling though not at me but the people behind me. Turning around, I saw her eyeing the Devil and Laurent as if she was about to devour them and the imaginary drool dripping from her mouth.

Rolling my eyes at the, I made a disgusted face and now I was pissed. Good customer service my foot. I didn't travel 18 hours of plane and 1 hour of car just to be left hanging like a dog.

"Hello" I greet.

No response.

"Hello there" I said louder. But still nothing. The Devil notice me and saw the lady ogling them. He just smirk. Making my blood boil.

I was annoyed beyond limit now. I tapped my feet and inhale and exhale trying not to ripped her head off

"Excuse me!" I said as loud as I could

As if she woke up from Lalaland .

"What" she snapped rudely.

I looked at her shocked and her audacity. I saw the Devil furrowed his eyebrows but continued watching us.

"Well hello to you too, I got a booking under the name of Mr Devin" I said trying to keep my calm.

She looked at me as if I just stole her favourite toy.

"There is no such booking, maybe you booked in at a cheaper hotel" she smirk.

"You got to be kidding right, I personally called and booked it myself. Can you check again" I replied furrowed my eyebrows.

"Didn't you just heard what I said earlier there is no booking" she replied annoyed.

Her posture suddenly changed, she pulled her dress lower making her silicone boobs extra visible.

"Is there any problem here?" Asked the Devil.

"Well certainly not, do you have a room booked in sir?" she flirted.

But we were interrupted by Laurent.

"Hey Bella sorry, can I borrow his for few minuted please" apologies Laurent.

"Yeah, no problem go ahead I will handle this" I said.

The Devil was about to protest but I just smirk at him. He shook his head and went with Laurent.

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