Chapter 11

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Kelly pov:
It is now after shift we only had a few calls today. I go and find casey and ask if he wants to come over for dinner. He said yes so i go and find shay.

Shays pov:
When we get home i get into the shower. While i am in the shower Kelly  tells me he is going to the gym. When i get out. I put on black leggings and a cropped tank top.

Kelly pov:
I work out for a hour and a half. Once i get home i get into the shower. While i am in the shower i start thinking about Casey,shay,Levi,things like that. Once i get out of the shower i put on blue jeans and a navy blue t-shirt. And then me and shay head to her doctors appointment.

Shay pov:
Once we get to the doctors appointment. We wait 10 minutes than the doctor calls my name. Me and kelly head to room and she starts the ultrasound. Starts saying everything looks good than pauses. I get nervous and ask what is wrong. She turns the screen and smiles than says "its twins". Me and kelly both smile and say "wow". She tells me everything looks good. Than she says "let me grab the ultrasound pictures so you can get out of here.

Kelly pov:
When shay grabs the ultrasound pictures the doctor tells her she should be able to find out the gender in about a month. We get to the car and look at shay and say "twins". She says "i know I'm scared". I say "you are going to be a good mom" she says "thanks". I ask if she wants to go get lunch.  She says "yes" i say "were at". She says "how about that diner". I say "okay". We get to the diner and order are food. After we finish eating we head home

Shays pov:
Once we get home kelly says "matt is coming over for dinner i chuckle and say "okay". He says "what".  i say "i know".  "You know what" kelly says. I say.  "that you to are together". He ask "how do you know". I say. it's obvious you guys are always hanging out and sneak around the firehouse". He says "oh". I  says "yeah". 

Kelly pov:
After shay tells me she knows i ask if she wants to go to the dog park with me and Levi. She says no. So i grab Levi and head to the dog park.

Shay pov:
After Kelly leaves I decide to clean my room and do my laundry. After i finish cleaning i watch greys anatomy. I get a call from  Stella. She ask if i want to do a girls night with her and Brett i ask "what time". she says "4:30". I say "okay". She says "okay" than hangs up the phone. Kelly comes back at 2:00 pm  we chill at home for a hour. At 3:55 i start getting ready. I re do my makeup straight my hair and put on navy blue jeans a light grey t-shirt and white high top vans. After i finish getting ready Kelly ask were I'm going i tell him with Stella and Brett. I hear Stella pull up so i leave. As I'm leaving Casey comes in.

Kelly pov:
When Casey gets here i give him a hug and a kiss. He tells me he brought Chinese food. So we sit down and start talking about are day.

Shay pov:
When i get into Stellas jeep i ask were are we going. She says "target i need to get a few things". I say "okay". When we get to target i find a cute t-shirt. I get a couple things like shampoo conditioner body wash. We pass the baby isle and see a cute purple and blue onesie set. I couldn't resist so i got it. Stella and Brett ask "why are you getting that" i say "i will tell you later". After we leave target we head to the mall.

Kelly pov:
After we finish eating me and Casey decide to go grab dessert. We went to this milkshake place. We ate dessert and headed back to my place. We get to my place and we watch a few movies and cuddle.

Shays pov:
After we leave the mall we go out to dinner than bretts place. Once we settle down Brett starts purring wine. I say i don't want none. Stella looks at me funny than says "okay what is going on" i say "okay I'm pregnant". They say "what" i say "with twins". They say congratulations than give me a hug. Than we hangout for the rest of the night.

Kelly pov:
After we finish watching movies it is 7:30.  Me and Casey start making out.  We rip each other's clothes off than head to my room. A hour later we hear shay come in. Casey says "my stuff is out there" i say "she already knows" he says. "How". I say "she figured it out". He says "oh". I say "don't worry she wont tell anyone". He says okay  Casey decides to stay the night. We head to the bathroom and brush are teeth.

Shay pov:
I walk in and see clothes on the ground. I don't think anything of it. I grab a water than head to my room to change into my pajamas. I go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After that i head to bed.

Kelly pov:
Me and Casey cuddle for a hour than head to bed

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