Chapter 19

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Jack's POV

"She's dead!" Kristoff Screams.

I take a step back. Elsa, dead? How could my only love be dead. I sink to my knees and tears fall from my eyes. I yell into the halls and start pounding my fists against the ground.

How can she be dead? She was my true love! I was going to marry her. But she's dead.

"How?" I ask getting up off of the ground.

"I don't know. But Kai. Was with her. Kai!" Kristoff calls.

"Yes sir?" He asks rushing into the room.
"Jack wants to know what happened to Elsa." Kristoff states.

(flashback Kai's POV)

I stand in Elsa's room. She and I were having daily tea.

"Kai. Thank you so much for always being there for me. Especially when my parents died."

"My queen I love you very much and I have since the day you were born. I could never abandon you."

She smiles and blushes a bit. Then she stands up.

"My queen, is everything alright?" I ask and rise from my seat.

"Yeah Yeah." He says putting her hand to her forehead. She starts to trip over her feet and falls to the ground.

"My queen!" I scream and fall to the floor. Her face becomes paler. I check her heartbeat, nothing.

I call for the doctor. He rushes in and confirms my suspicions.

Queen Elsa is dead.

(end of flashback)

Jack's POV

Kai finishes his story. I stare at him in shock.

"So she just died?" I yell.

"Sir Jack I am very sorry. The doctor could not figure out what happened." He says and bows. Then he walks away.

Kristoff embraces me and then walks away.

Anna rushes down the hall and tackles Kristoff. Her face is tear stained. I see her shoulders shaking with sobs.

I turn around and rush off to my room. Tears begin to stream down my face. I collapse on my bed and sobs escape my lips.

Somehow sleep finds me.

I sit alone in a dark room. Under me is a wooden chair. My hands are bound together by a single rope. Fire begins to spark around the room. The flames links the sides of the walls illuminating the room. In the far corner is a person. I stand up and start to walk towards them. The person turns around.


Her laugh begins to echo through the room.

"What did you do to her?" I screech. She stops laughing and a smirk twists her lips.

"I didn't do anything. You did." She says darkly.

"Um I think I would have known if I had killed my own girlfriend!"

"Ugh. You are so stupid! Don't you know anything about marks? Well aper entry not or you would have known what not to do. So let me spell it out for you. A mark binds two people. So if I were to get her hurt so would Elsa. If I die then so does she."

I such in my breath. This can't be real.


"Um yeah that's why there is no more Elsa. She is gone forever and you can't get her back. No matter how hard you try. And if somehow you managed to I would come back with her. Ah! Tough situation Jackie."

"Stop it! Go away."

"Alright have it your way!"

The dream dissolves into my bedroom. Sweat pours from my brow.

She really is gone.

Hello everyone! So here is an update. Sorry it took so long but summer is finally here! Thank goodness. I never thought it would come. So I'll be updating again soon! ~Starflower12359

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