Chapter 10 Scars

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Elsa’s POV

I sat at dinner eating my soup. Jack still hadn’t shown up. I’m getting super worried. But I need to stop; Jack knows how to take care of himself.  Kai comes in.

“My Queen where is Sir Jack?” Kai asks. Huh? That’s a kinda cute name for him.

“Um? I don’t really know. He said he was going to do his guardian duties.” I reply trying to sound calm.

“Thank you I will tell the cook to save some soup.”

“Thank you.” Kai bows and leaves the room. Now I have a really bad feeling in my stomach. I wipe my mouth and walk back to my room. Stop worrying Elsa, Jack’s fine. Everything is going to be fine! At least I hope.

Jack’s POV

The lights came on in the ice castle. A girl now stood in front of me, Cypress. Wow she looked really good in tight black pants and black leather jacket. Her brown hair was in perfect curls lying on her shoulders. Jack stop you have Elsa the most gorgeous girl in the world.

“Hello Jack long time no see. You like what you see?” Cypress smirks.

“Hello Cypress.” I spat back.

“Oh poor little Jack” She comes toward me, her brown eyes boring into my soul.

“Get away from me.”

“No can do Jacky! My work has not yet started.  Nice to see you again!” Cypress snaps and the castle goes dark once again. When the lights come back on she’s gone. No this cannot be happening! I get on my staff and fly back to Arendelle. The moon is just starting to rise over the peaks. How late did I stay out? When I reach the castle all the lights are turned off. I sneak in through an open window and roam the deserted halls.

I find Elsa’s room and creak open the white door. Elsa sits on her bed reading a book by candlelight. She has these little adorable glasses on. I look closer and she that her cheeks are tearstained.

“Elsa honey, is everything okay?” I ask. Elsa looks up and tears begin to fill her eyes. She runs over to me and hugs me tightly.

“Don’t do that to me! I was so worried. Are you okay? Oh my gosh I was so scared.” Elsa babbles.

“Hey hey it’s okay. I’m here and I’m very sorry. I got carried away and lost track of time.”

“It’s okay I understand. Do you want some dinner? Kai saved some soup for you.”

I nod and Elsa leads me to the kitchen, she has me sit down at the table as she goes to heat up my soup. I know that I should have told Elsa but she doesn’t need anything more to deal with. But really I don’t need my Ice Queen worrying any more than she already is. Elsa comes back with a steaming bowl of soup, she places it in front of me and hands me the spoon. The soup is amazing!

Once I am done Elsa takes my bowl back to the kitchen. She then walks me back to my room. We say our goodnights then part our ways.

Elsa’s POV

I said goodnight to Jack and then walk back to my room. It is nice to know Jack is back. He never misses dinner! Why would he start now? Is he hiding something from me? No he would never hide anything from me. I fall asleep with these questions swirling around in my head.

I am back in the black room except fire lines the walls.

“Hello?” I ask the darkness.

“Why hello Elsa!” I turn to the source of the voice. There is a girl sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. I can actually see her and not just hear her! She has brown curly hair and wears all black. He eyes glow through the darkness of the room.

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