Chapter 12 The Full Story

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Jack's POV

"So let me start from the beginning....... "


"So Cypress what do you say, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask, my hands shaking.

"Of course!" Cypress runs over and hugs me. I lift up her face and gently press my lips to hers.

"Yuck!" Screams someone who has entered the dimly lit room.

"Get over Pitch because your daughter is now my girlfriend!"

"Well, ugh. You know what I don't care." Pitch leaves.

Cypress lowly growls at him then turns to me.

"So what now?" She asks.

"Come on I want to show you something." I grab her hand and pull her outside. We stop and she looks at me puzzled. I grab her waist and we fly up into the air. She screams in shock then erupts in a fit of giggles.

"You like the view?" I ask looking at the setting sun.

"Oh Jack, it's beautiful! Thank you."

We watch as the last rays of sun touch the clouds then we went back to the ground.

"Good night beautiful!" I say to Cypress.

"Goodnight." She replies and pulls me in for a kiss. I get on my staff and start to spread winter throughout the world.

A couple days pass before I even get a chance to see my beautiful girl.

I walk into Pitches dark home searching for Cypress. Pitch rounds the corner.

"Ugh! You again? She's in her room." Get says pointing down the hall. I will down to Cypress' room and knock on the door.

"Just a second." I hear Cypress say through the thick door. There is a pause then the door opens.

"Hi." Cypress says quietly looking at the ground. I lift her chin so she looks in my eyes.

"Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. What do you want to do?"

"Let's go for a walk."

I know something is wrong and I want to see if Cypress will tell me. Cypress laces her finger through mine and we walk out of the dim area.

"Soo... " Cypress starts.

"I'm sorry I haven't seen you in a while, I've been super busy."

"It's okay I've been busy too..... "

"With what?"  Come on tell me the truth.

"Nothing important."



We walk and talk for about an hour before returning to Pitch's layer.

"See you tomorrow." I say and hug Cypress.

As I fly away, I can't help thinking that Cypress looked like she was about to cry the entire time. I wonder what's wrong?

When I walk into the dark layer the next day, no one is there. Just to make sure I search the area.

I get to last door and stop. Running around a giant place in almost darkness is really hard.

A soft giggle comes from the other side of the door. Cypress.

I open the door and expect to see my beautiful girl. In front of me is about twenty children dressed in rags. They all state at me with wide eyes.

"Jack!" Cypress says running down the hall.

"Who are these kids?" I ask.

"Um... Well... I will tell you later." She says playing with a lock of her brown hair.

"No Cypress I want an answer now!"

"Jack?" A small voice behind me asks. I turn to see Emma, my little sister.

I run and embrace her.

"Oh my gosh! How are you? How's mom?"

"I'm great except for the fact that I am here. And mom good but we miss you."

"I will try and visit soon." I turn to Cypress. "But first I need an explanation."

Cypress stares at the ground.

"Tell me now!" I screamed.

"Fine! You know how hard it is to be in shadow of fear? My dad doesn't pay any attention to me. The last time we talked was last week. I wanted to start children to make him proud!" Tears begin rolling down her cheeks.

"We're done." I say softly, mostly to myself.

"What?" Cypress sounds annoyed.

"We're done!" I shout right in her face. She backs up as if she was hit. Her sad expression melts into an expression of hatred.

"Fine! But mark my words Jack Overland Frost, I will ruin your life!" Cypress' white outfit melts into a tight black outfit. She disappears in a thick cloud of black smoke.

I grab Emma and fly home. It's night time so I tuck her into bed and kiss her goodnight.

"Jack please come visit." She whispers.

"Of course! See you soon." I whisper back. Her little eyelids begin to close and soon she is sound asleep.

After a few days all the children Cypress stole are safe with their families.

I fly to the North Pole.

I had a girl, now I don't.

Hey! So school started. Yep that kinda explains my life right now. So what do y'all think about the back story? I would love it if everyone looked into my other books! Please comment and vote! Bye snow cones! ~Starflower12359

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