Chapter 17 Choices

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Anna's POV

I hear a door slam shut and now I know I'm alone.

I have never been good with small spaces. My heart beat starts to quicken. I have small spaces. I can't tell how large the room is but I sense that it's small.

I close my eyes, maybe I can sleep and forget I'm here.

Elsa's POV

I stand up and walk out of the room still whiping stray tears. Kai rushes up to me and leads me off to a conference.

I sit there and watch the presentation. It's super boring but I try my hardest to look like I care. A new country wants to trade with Arendelle.

"What are you thoughts my Queen?" Asks one of the men. I snap back. Crap what we're they talking about? I stare blankly looking at all the faces around me.

"Do you think we should be trade partners?" Kai says to me. He knows me so well.

"Oh yes of course. I think we will have a wonderful partnership!" We all shake hands and they leave. I help Kai with cleaning up.

"Thank you." I say.

"Elsa I have know you so long. It is very easy to see when you are listening and when you are not." My cheeks begin to heat up. We laugh. Kai then escorts me to lunch.

When I finish I go to my room. The lights flicker off then back on. I immediately know Cypress is here.

"What. Do. You. Want." I say through clenched teeth. Violently turning and pinning Cypress to the wall.

"Whoa! No need to be hostile. I just came to talk." Cypress says.

"What do you want?" I ask not releasing her.

"How's your day been?" She asks.

"Um let me think? Good until you came!"

"Honey calm down."

"Not until you tell me why your here and where my sister is!"

"Who says I have your sister? And I really do just want to talk."


"Ta Ta for now! Enjoy your last day!" She cackles. The lights flicker off then come back on.

Last day? Last day! What the heck?

Jack's POV

I fly to Pitch's old lair. I knew Cypress would be there.

When her dad left it was the one place where she could be with her family. Even though she doesn't have one.

The sky begins to darken the closer I get to the location of the lair. I find the secret entrance I always used to sneak into to get to Cypress. The entrance is covered so I brush away the snow. A brown wooden handles pokes out, I grab it and swing open the door. I swing into the room. I haven't been here in so long. Old memories slip back into my mind.

I swung myself through the door clutching the single rose. Tonight was our first date. It was going to be perfect.

I walked through the doorway silently so I wouldn't wake Pitch. He was the last person I wanted to deal with now. I twisted down the hall until I found Cypress' room. I quietly rapped on her door.

She opened and looked up at me, love in her eyes.

I shook the memory out of my head. The past is in the past. I just need to accept that. Tonight Cypress must suffer for ruining my perfect life. I'm done playing her games.

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