Chapter 9 Meeting Evil

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Anna's POV

"We have an announcement!" Kristoff yells trying to be official.

"Yes?" Elsa asks.

"You ready?" I ask.

Everyone nods.

"I am............ Pregnant!"

Elsa's POV

"What the- KRISTOFF!!!!!!" I start to cry,"But Anna you're my baby sister you can't have a baby!" Anna runs over to me and hugs me. We have a total breakdown sister moment.

"Wow its going to be weird with a kid running around the castle." I wiped a tear away. Anna nodded. Kristoff held out his arms and Anna rushed to embrace him. This is such a happy moment. Anna and Kristoff left, now it's just me and Jack.

"Well that was unexpected." Jack says.

"Yeah, I never thought my sister would get married nor have a baby. Well I knew she would get married but not the baby part."

"Come on its been a long day time for bed Elsa."

"But I don't want to!" I whine.

"Am I going to have to drag you to bed?" I nod, hold out my arms, and put on my best puppy dog face. Jack laughs and comes to pick me up. He picks me up bridal style and flies us to my room.

Jack gently sets me down on my bed and kisses my forehead.

"Until tomorrow Ice Queen." He says and leaves. I instantly gall asleep.


I am in a dark room, I mean completely pitch black. No light, great. I hate being alone in the dark. Something moves to my left. I whip around to see nothing. Well how could I see anything.

"Elsa, Elsa, Elsa. Just a scared little girl." Says a girl.

"Wwwwho are you?" I stammer.

"You will know all in good time, dear."

"Leave me!"

"Sorry, um, can't do that. You and me both know why."

"What? I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Oh? So he hasn't told you. Classic. Well Elsa I must be off."


My eyes shoot open. I am sweating like a crazy person. Who was that? And who hasn't told me, we whatever she was talking about? Ugh! This is to complicated at like two in the morning. I roll onto my side and try to go to sleep, but I can't get the voice out of my head.

I feel a kiss being gently placed on my cheek.

"Wake up my Ice Queen." Jack whispers.

"Sit down I need to talk to you." I say.

"Is everything alright?"

"Um yeah I think so. Well I had had a dream. I was in a dark room and a girls tatted talking to me. She said she won't leave me alone and also wouldn't tell me who she was." I look up at Jack's face, he looks pained.

"Elsa, that was Cypress." I gasp, no no no! This can not be happening. "That wasn't a dream, she was communicating with you."

But then that would mean that Jack is keeping something from me! What? And more importantly why?

"Don't worry about it. Let's just go get some breakfast." Jack intertwines our fingers and leads me to the dining hall. After breakfast we part so he can do his Guardian duties and I can do my queen duties.

Today I have to attend meetings, all day. Yay me! They are all about trading. Ugh. I enter the conference room and begin the meeting. After all the meetings are done I slump down in my chair exhausted. Kai comes in and escorts me to dinner. Jack still isn't back, but I push my worried feelings away.

Jack's POV

The day flew by super quickly. Spreading fun is just, well fun! The sun began to set over the horizon. I need to get back to Elsa.

I plot my path over the ice castle that Elsa told me about a while ago. It's so beautiful! I fly in for a closer look. Something's off. I fly inside to look around. My surroundings instantly go black. I hear an evil cackle. The lights come back on. Right in front of me is the devil herself, Cypress.

Ooooooo! I wonder what's going to happen? What is Jack keeping from Elsa? What happened? So many unanswered questions! Yay! So anyone have a guess? Please comment! Oh and vote too! And thank you to JennaSportyShorts for the one line! Thanks for reading! Goodbye lovelies! I promise that future chapters will be longer! Sorry! Now goodbye for real! ~Starflower12359

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