Chapter 13 Anger Issues

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After a few days all the children Cypress stole are safe with their families.

I fly to the North Pole.

I had a girl, now I don't.


Jack's POV

Everyone in the room looks at me stunned. I let the words sink in.

"So she was your girlfriend?" Elsa asks sounding rather meek.

"Yes, but it's done and will never happen again." I say.

Anna looks at me and I can see the disgust begin to form in her eyes. She gets up and leaves.

"I'm gonna go with her." Kristoff awkwardly says and leaves the room. Now it's just me and Elsa.

"Elsa?" I break the defending silence. She looks up like she has just broken out of a trance.


"You okay?" I teach for her hand and rub small circles trying to comfort her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just a lot to take in all at once." I nod. I don't even really believe the story myself, it was so long ago.

"Okay you have had a long day. I order you to get some rest!" I say acting official. Elsa smiles and I help her up. We walk down the hall and say our good night's.

Elsa's POV

I close the door behind me and sink to the floor. Girlfriend? That can't be possible. My vision blurs and tears start to fall. Soon I fall asleep to the soft sounds of my own sobs.

Something moves behind me and it here's me awake.

"Elsa?" Jack says giggling.

"Yes?" I act like it is perfectly normal for me to sleep on the floor next to my door.

"Um... Why are you sitting on the floor?"

"I was to tired and decided the floor sounded like a good place to sleep." Jack chuckles and helps me up off of the floor.

"Breakfast?" He asks.

"Breakfast." I reply.

Once we finish our pancakes we go in our separate directions. Today I have to go through several meetings and a boat load of paperwork.

Meeting after meeting the day just drags on. I am so board out of my mind you have no idea how hard this is.

The meeting finally end and now I am faced with the wonderful task out filling out a stack as tall as I am in paperwork. The only good thing is I mostly have to sign.

Anna's POV

I stormed out of the room. How could Jack ever like a person like Cypress? She steals freaking kids, who does that?

Kristoff comes out behind me and runs to catch up.

"Hey are you okay?" He tenderly rubs my arm.

"No! How dare that boy pit my sister in danger. This is all our fault if we had never gone on a honeymoon this would never have happened!"

"Okay, calm down this is not your fault. I think you need to take a nice long nap." Kristoff guides me to our bedroom. I get in bed and he gets in right after me.

"See? Now we're calm. Just close your eyes my little princess." I close my eyes and quickly find sleep.

Screams echo through the castle shaking it. I snap awake and run to grab a robe then dart down the hallway. The sun is up, I must have been asleep for awhile.

Elsa's POV

Done! Haha! I feel great, all that weight is lifted off of my shoulders!

I begin to dance around the room shooting at random objects in the study. The door opens and Jack appears.

"Um?" He asks looking puzzled.

"I finished my mountain of paperwork!" I say happily skipping around the room. Jack gives me the face you would give a two year old when they are doing something odd.

"Hey! Don't give me that face! Being a queen is so hard!" I fake faint into my chair. Jack chuckles and shakes his head.

He walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

Blinding pain shoots through my arm. Screams echo through the room, I don't even notice they are my screams. Anna rushes in followed by Kristoff.

I sink to the floor clutching my mark. Wait, mark from Cypress? Her evil laugh fills my ears, then everything goes black.

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