Chapter 8 Reuin

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Jack's P.o.v

Elsa and I went down to the dinning hall to get breakfast. It was sausage and eggs. Not exactly my favorite but I would do anything to show Elsa I am not worried.

Honestly I am scared out of my mind. But I have to keep it in. No one can know, especially not stupid Cypress.

"So what shall we do today Ice Queen?" I ask.

"I don't know." She replies.

I roll my eyes at her and throw a snowball at her gorgeous face. She looks up at me and glares.

"It's on." She says darkly.

Crap just crap. I am dead.

Before know it a ton of snowballs are being hurled at my face. I pick up my plate and use it as a shield.

When the snowballs stop I start. Elsa doesn't expect the snowballs and laughs as they pelt her face.

Elsa seems really happy. This is nice a moment away from reality. Now the only thing to make this day better would be to beat Cypress.

After a long snowball fight Elsa and I fall back into the giant pile of snowballs. We ate both exhausted. Our powers have been used nonstop for the past four hours.

"Come on Elsa let's go."

"But I don't want to leave.  The snow is comfortable." She whines. I roll my eyes and look up at the ceiling.

"Fine we can stay for awhile."

"Kai!" Elsa screams. Kai Comes rushing in.

"Yes ma'am how may I help you?" Kai asks quickly.

"Can you get Jack and I some smores?" Oh smores sound really good right now.

Kai nodes and rushes off to the kitchen. He comes back with a plate of smores. Elsa and I both grab one and Kai leaves.

We stay here and talk about our lives and how glad we are that the other is in our life.

Elsa's P.o.v

Laying in the snow with Jack eating smores is just amazing. The world's needs just slip away and for a moment the world is perfect.

"Ma'am sorry to bother you." Kai says.

"Oh no you're fine. What is it?" I question.

"Um well.... - " Kai starts.

"ELSA!"  A familiar voice screeches. My head shoots up.

"ANNA?!" I screech back. My sister runs over and hugs me. Kristoff gives me a hug and so does Olaf.

"Oh my gosh I forgot you were coming back. Kai prepare a grand feast! How was your honeymoon?"

"It was incredible! How has running the castle been?"

"Interesting. Well there are some things we will need to talk about later."

"Oh...  Well I am so glad-" Her eyes drift down to Jack.

"Um Elsa who is this?" Anna asks eyeing Jack.

"Oh I'm sorry this is Jack, my boyfriend."


"Anna please let's not shout. Yes Jack is my boyfriend. Come with me we need to talk." Anna nods and follows me down the hall to our study.

"What is so important?" Anna asks with annoyance in her voice.

"Anna the children of Arendelle are being stolen. Jack and I have talked about it and apparently a girl named Cypress is behind it all."

"Okay. Now Jack. Van we really trust him? I mean he kinda gives me the creeps."

"Anna Jack is fine. He has been protecting me and helping me through this. Jack is wonderful."

"Fine. But I am going to keep my eye on him!" Anna snaps and leaves the room. I roll my eyes at her and then leave.

The man are talking about the honeymoon when I enter.

Anna's P.o.v

I race up to my room. Elsa can be just a, mean person some times. I don't trust Jack for all we know he could be like Hans and try to steal the kingdom!

After I cool down I run to grab Kristoff.

"We need to talk." I tell Kristoff.

"What now princess?" He asks.

"It's about Jack."

"Ahh yes Jack. He is a very kind fellow who has powers just like Elsa."

"Wait he has powers?!"

"Uh yeah. Now what did you want to talk about?"

"Jack, Jack is what I want to talk about."


"I think he is going to be like Hams and end up trying to kill Elsa to get the castle."

"Anna there is nothing for you to worry about. Elsa trusts him and she has good judgment. Jack is not going to be like Hans. Trust me."

"Okay fine I will give him a chance. Now we need to talk about something else."

"And what would that be?"

"Whether or not we tell Elsa."

"Oh right I think we should tell her."

"I want to I just don't want her to freak out and freeze everything again."

"Come on Anna there is nothing to loose. Let's go tell them!" Kristoff grabs my hand and we run to the dining hall.

Inside is Elsa, Olaf, and Jack.

"We have an announcement!" Kristoff yells trying to be official.

"Yes?" Elsa asks.

"You ready?" I ask.

Everyone nods.

"I am............ Pregnant!"

Haha  cliffhanger. How do you think Elsa will take it. Is she going to freeze everything? Well please comment and vote! Goodbye my dear readers until my next post! ~Starflower12359

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