Chapter 2 Love

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Elsa's P.o.v

I walked out of my study and tried to stay calm. Jack is super cute! Well I do have duties so keep your head straight Elsa. Kai came up to me and escorted me to a meeting I had with a business man in Arendelle.

After the meeting I went back to my study to think and just really be alone.

Jacks p.o. v

I glided through the beautiful castle. There was so much attention to detail. This place was incredible.

After an hour or so I went down to the dining room to see if I could get a glimpse of what was for dinner.

The room was decorated in delicate snowflakes. I guess Elsa must have been here. One of the cooks opened the door and the room filled with the smell of chocolate.

"Wow!" I said.

"Um? Who's there?" Asks the cook looking frantically around the room. I make my staff go a little higher so I am out of the view of the cook. Maybe this could be fun.

"This is your conscience speaking! Now I know you haven't been doing your best on cooking!"

"What no! I always do my best!"

"Now don't lie to me!"

"Fine I have been a little heavy on the salt! But its really not that bad!"

"Now what are you making tonight?"


"Now is that a good choice? No. It should be chicken!"

"Okay then chicken it is! Thanks conscience!"

"Bye!" Once the door to the kitchen closed I glided down to the floor and started laughing my head off. This was so funny he didn't even suspect a thing!

After I finished laughing I went down the halls. I found a white door decorated in snowflakes. It looked beautiful just like ice queen. Slowly I creaked the door open and peeked inside.

I saw Elsa inside sitting on her bed facing the other direction. As quietly as I could go I ran to the back of her bed. She was breathing heavily as if she had just run here.

"What's up Ice Queen?" I ask. She looks over at me and jumps out of her skin.

Elsa's  P.o.v.

I sat on my bed thinking. My duties as queen and Anna' wedding have been taking up the my brain. Now I get to sit and think. It feels good.

"What's up Ice Queen?" Asks Jack who is now next to me. I jump up off the bed.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE?!" I scream. He scared the crap out of me.

"A couple minutes. I had some fun  with one of your cooks. Then I was walking down the hallways and saw this door. Which is amazing and came inside. I saw you sitting on the bed and came in. Then yeah...... " He began to blush and put his head down.

"That's okay just never scare me like that again!" He looks up at me his eyes soft.


"Okay do you want to go get dinner?" I suggest.

"Sure let's go." We walked down to the dining hall and sit down. Jack and I sit next to each other as a our incredible dinner comes and goes.

"I'm stuffed that chicken was so good!" Jack says patting his tummy.

"You better still have room we haven't even had dessert yet!" I chuckle. He groans and the second the cook comes out he perks right back up.

Once we finished our cake we had a weak through the courtyard.

"So Jack, do you have a place to stay?"

Jacks P.o.v

Once we finish dinner Elsa takes me down to the courtyard.

"So Jack, do you have a place to stay?" She asks looking at me with her sparkling eyes.

"Um. No." I respond. She looks so beautiful with the full moon reflecting off of her flawless skin.

"We have some spare rooms if you like?"

"Thanks Elsa I would love to stay here!" I say a bit to enthusiastically.

She escorts me to my room which is right next to hers. We say our good night's. Then I am taken to dream land.

Hey hope you guys liked it! Sorry haven't posted in awhile. Please comment and vote if you liked it! Goodbye my darlings until my next post! ~Starflower12359

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