Chapter 7 Cypress

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Elsa's P.o.v

"Her name is Cypress." Jack says looking like he is on another place.

I stare at him for a moment, emotion fills his eyes.

Love, hate, disappointment, the emotions quickly flash.

"How do you know her?" I question, hoping I get an answer.

"I can't talk about it." Jack scolds and just gets up and leaves.

What did I do?

Jack's P.o.v

"I can't talk about it!" I scold Elsa.

Everything happened several years ago, but it is still hard to talk about.

I stormed out of the room and ran to grab my staff. Without a second thought I hopped on it and flew away from the castle.

Old memories and feelings began to resurface. I held back tears.

It was nice to be alone for once. I needed the world to be somewhere where I wasn't. Why is life so complicated? So unforgiving?

After an hour I went back to the castle. I had cleared my mind and was ready to see people.

I found Elsa in her room.

"Hey girl. Sorry for running out." I say.

She turned around, tears stains streaked her face.

" Hey hey. What's wrong?" I run over to Elsa and try to comfort her. She began to sob into my shirt.

"She can back 10 more children are gone." She managed to say through sobs.

"Oh Elsa. I am so sorry." Elsa seems to be very close to her people. It seems like she has the same feeling for this as if her own child got stolen.

We stayed like this for awhile then she pulled away.

"Jack I don't know what to do."

"Don't worry whatever you do I will be right behind you." She smiles and hugs me. A small cry escapes her lips.

I hold up her chin so she looks into my eyes.

"Hey stop. Don't let her get in your head. It's going to be alright."

We left her room and walked through the halls of the castle. Elsa didn't talk just stayed silent and looked out the window.

We stayed like this for like two hours.

"Jack I'm scared." Elsa says.

"Elsa stop. Don't let Cypress win. I will always be here to protect you Ice Queen. I love you and nothing will ever come between us." She looked up at me hope in her eyes. Then she leaned over and hugged me. I picked her up bridal style and flew her to her room.

I went to my room and fell asleep.

When I woke I went straight to Elsa's room. I gently shook her out of her slumber.

"Ready to face the day?" I quietly questioned.

"Only if you will be right there next to me." Elsa replied giggling.

Cypress's P.o.v

I paced my room trying to come up with my next plan. The good thing was Elsa is radiating fear. It's delicious. Poor little girl scared out of her mind. Ha! I will have my happy ending.

Hey guys. I am sooooooooo sorry for not updating. I have been in hot Arizona. Right now I am stuck in an airport. Great. Well Cypress wants a happy ending. I wonder what it is. Also who is Cypress and what does she want with Jack and Elsa? Ooooh a mystery!!! ~Starflower12359

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