Chapter 3 New Points

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Jack's P.o.v

I woke up early this morning. I tool a bath and then walked out of my room. Slowly walked to Elsa's room and opened the door.  Elsa was in her bed sleeping so peacefully. She looked gorgeous and so peaceful.

I sat on the edge of her med looking out the window. The sun was just now rising. Elsa stirred in her sleep, she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Morning Ice Queen." I say sweetly.

"Morning Frost. One question. What are you doing in my room?" She asks softly.

"Well I wanted to be the first one to say good morning to you." She laughed and hid under the covers.

"Come out beautiful Ice Queen." I said softly.

She peeped her head out her cheeks turning red.

"I think we should go to breakfast! But get out of here while I get ready!" She yelled. I backed out to the door and went back to my room.

Elsa's P.o.v.

Yay! It was so cool that Jack was in my room but a little creepy. But he called me beautiful!

I got ready as fast as I could and ran to Jack's room. He was sitting on his bed facing the other direction.

"Hey Frost! Ready for breakfast?" I yelled trying to scare him.

"You are a little. I'm going to get you!" He said and hopped on his staff and raced toward me. I began to run to the dining hall. He was right behind me.

After a moment I felt myself get scooped off the ground. I looked up at Jack, his eyes were sparkling. He put on a smirk and started flying in circles.

We finally landed and ate our breakfast.

"That was awesome!" I said in between bites of pancakes.

"What are we going to do today?" He asks.

"I don't know about you but I have important business to attend to. If you want me to do anything with you help me!" I pleaded.

"Fine I'll help you! I have an idea of what we should do once we are done!" He smirked making my stomach do flips. He looked so beautiful I could stare at him all day.

No Elsa stop focus. We walked down to my study where we began to write letters to trade partners. Our citizens have been making a surplus of foods and we need to get rid of them.

After an hour of Jack helping me add on to the letters we finished.

"So what do you have planned for the afternoon. Please let it involve lunch because I am starving." I say. Jack laughed.

"Yes it involves lunch give me ten minutes!" He said as he closed my study door. I sat there for ten minutes then Jack came back with a big basket.

"So I have heard rumors about an ice castle? I was thinking we could have a picnic there?"

"That would be awesome let's go! Wait we have one problem it's like a days journey!"

"Nope come here!" He held out his arm. I cautiously came toward him. He grabbed my waist and we hopped on his staff. I gave him the directions and we were there in no time.

Hope you guys liked it! Please comment and vote! I would really appreciate it! Thanks for reading my darlings!~Staflower12359

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