Chapter 4 Birthday Wishes

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Elsa's P.o.v

My ice castle came into view. It looked so beautiful in the afternoon light. Jack set me down and we started to walk to the castle.

All of the sudden Marshmallow appeared. He looked really mad. We must have woken him up!

"Sorry Marshy. Just so you know Jack and I are going to have a picnic so watch out for us please!" Marshmallow nodded and sat down. I looked at Jack, his jaw was literally hitting the ground.

"You can make living thing?!"

"Yeah! Come on I'm starving!" We ran inside and found the place for our picnic.

Arendelle really does have the best cooks our lunch was to die for good.

When we finished I gave Jack a tour of the castle. We go to my top room with the broken chandelier.

"What happened in here?" Jack asks.

"It's a long story and one that I don't really want to tell so.... "

"Okay you don't have to. But can we at least fix it?"

"Sure."  I flicked my hands and the shards disappeared. Then I moved my hands and made a beautiful chandelier.

"Wow you really know how to control."

"Yeah I have been practicing."

"Ready to go back?"

"Yeah let's go!"

Jack and I went outside and flew back to the castle. It was around three I  the afternoon.

"What shall we do now?" Asks Jack gently setting me down on the ground.

"Okay I am sorry if this sounds super weird bit I really want to have a snowball fight with someone with ice powers. Bit I do think that I would win." I smirked.

"Never in your wildest dreams."

"You're going to eat those words!"

"Over my dead body!"

"Oh its on!" Jack ran off and built a small fortress nothing compared to what I had in mind. I built and impenetrable fortress and began to chuck snowballs at Jack's back.

He turned around and laughed. Then a snowballs started falling on me. I ran  for cover just before they hit me.

This went on for about and hour before we went in to get dinner. After dinner we both went our ways for an early bed. We were both exhausted from our snowball fight.

Jack's P.o.v

I closed my door and sat on my bed.

Elsa is the most gorgeous girl ever. I want her to be my girlfriend. I have never felt this way before. It doesn't matter that I'm immortal, I love her.

I made a plan for tomorrow and went to bed. The next morning I woke up extra early to make the perfect day for Elsa. When I came to the kitchen the cooks were already working.

"Why are you guys up so early?" I ask yawning.

"Its the Queens birthday!" Replied one of the cooks.

Today's Elsa's birthday yay! This is perfect. I told Kai about my plan and he helped me get ready.

We the sun was up I knock on Elsa's door.

"Come in!" Called Elsa's muffled voice. I slowly opened the door and brought Elsa her breakfast.

"A perfect breakfast for a perfect girl!" She blushed and hid under the covers.

"Come on and eat your breakfast!"

"Fine!" She came out from under the covers and accepted her breakfast.

"So when were you going to tell me today was your birthday?"

"Tomorrow!" She yelled looking a little embarrassed.

"Oh no you aren't getting out of this!" She finished her breakfast and went to the bathroom to get ready. About twenty minutes later she came out.

"You look.....  I don't know just gorgeous." She giggled and turned bright red. Her hair was in a side braid with a right blue dress that fit her just right.

I grabbed her hand and ran down the hallway. We went to the village to walk around. Many of the citizens wished Elsa a happy birthday.

When it started to get dark Elsa and I rushed back to the castle.

"Okay I have one more surprise for you just wait here I will be right back!" I told Elsa before I ran away. I searched the halls for Kai.

"Is everything ready?" Kai nodded and I ran back to Elsa.

"Okay grab my hand." Elsa looked at me puzzled the gave me her hand. We flew to the mountain overlooking Arendelle.

The blanket and blanket were set out. I lead Elsa to our picnic.

"Oh Jack it's beautiful! Thank you for the best birthday ever!" We sat down and looked over the ocean as the moon began to rise.

When we finished desert I worked up my courage to ask her.

"So uh Elsa...... "

"Yeah Jack?"

I took in a deep breath.

"I have loved you from the very first time I laid eyes on  you. You are smart and funny and the most gorgeous girl I have ever met.  So will you be my girlfriend?"

Haha cliff hanger. So sorry for the late update, stupid homework. Hope you all enjoyed it! PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, OR FOLLOW ME! Or do all! I would really appreciate it. Goodbye my darlings! ~Starflower12359

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