Chapter 18

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Kristoff's POV

I look up and see the northern lights shinning brightly.

Jack did it. My Anna is safe.

I walk inside the castle and go to bed.

Jack's POV

YES! I did it. Cypress is gone for good. Now Elsa and I can live our happily ever after!

I fly up to the North Pole to tell North the news.

"North?" I yell into the toy shop.

"In here!" I hear him say with his thick accent.

I walk toward the his voice. He is turned around studying the giant goose before him.

"I have good news!" I cheer. He turns and looks at me.

"What could you possibly done that's good news?" Someone with an Australian accent says from behind me.

"Ah! Kangaroo! Nice to see you!" I say sarcastically. He glares at me.

"Well what is it!" North booms.

"Oh oh! Wait!" A small cheery voice calls. In flies Tooth. I smile at her and she smiles back.

"Now we're just missing the sand man!" Says the kangaroo. Right as he says that Snady pops in.

"Okay everyone's here now tell us Jack." Says North.

I take in a deep breath. "I killed Cypress!"

Everyone gasps and stressed at me wide eyed.

"Really?" Tooth whispers. I now and a smile spreads across my face. "I have been dealing with her for twelve years, and now she's gone?"

Everyone is silent as the words sink in. No one talks for a good ten minutes. North finally says, "How?"

"I stabbed her." I say. They all look at me, each set of eyes glued to mine. After a really awkward moment they all stop stating at me and come in for a hug.

"Okay guys. That's enough. I gotta get back to Elsa!" I say trying to get out of the hug. They break up the hug and I fly away.

The night looks so beautiful. There are so many stars in the sky. No cloud is to me seen just millions of twinkling star.

The castle comes into view. I can't wait to see Elsa and tell her what I did. As I get closer to the castle I can tell somethings off. I land and run inside.

"Jack!" Kristoff calls! I turn and see him play faced.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"It's Elsa."

"What happened?"


"Spit it out!"

"She's dead!" Kristoff Screams.

Hello mah peeps. So Elsa's dead, who saw that coming? Anyone guess why? Mwhabah you will just have to wait and see! ~Starflower12359

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