Chapter 6 Stealing Children

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Elsa's P.o.v

I stood up from the ground and went to my bed. This has been an awesome day. I fall asleep with Jack on my mind.

Someone is gently shaking me. I open my eyes to see Jack looking down at me lovingly. I pull him down and kiss him gently on his soft lips. We pull away and he lays down on my bed.

Jack takes my hand and escorts me to breakfast. We sit down and begin to eat.

"Did you have a good night's sleep?" I ask.

"Yes did you?" Jack asks. I nod in reply. He smiled and we continue to eat. Kai rushes in.

"My queen!" He says giving a quick bow.

"Yes Kai?"

"Sorry to disrupt you but we have an emergency."

"Yes!" I get up and push in my chair. Kai leads me to the gates.

"Wait here please." Kai asks me. He rushes through a crack in the gates and comes back with a guard. The guard asks me to follow him.

This must be pretty serious if I have to have a guard follow me. The guard takes me through the deserted streets of Arendelle.

"What happened here?" I ask shocked at what I see.

"We do not know my queen we were hoping you could shed some light on the situation."

"Why have the streets been deserted?" I inquire.

"Please my queen don't talk our demon may still be here."

The guard leads me to the end of Arendelle where the orphanage is. There are only a few kids in there because my people are very generous and adopt.

The orphanage is still smoldering. I rush up to a man and quietly ask what happened.

"My queen a man descended from the sky. He took the ten children in the orphanage the blew the whole place up." I stood there in shock as the words sink in.

What the heck? Who would do something like this to innocent children.

"Everyone please remain calm. Please go home and stay inside until further notice. Thank you!" I yell over the murmurs of the crowd.

The crowd slowly breaks apart and my guard takes me back to the gates. I slip through the crack and rush inside. Small tears begin to stream down my face.

Jack waits in the dining room. When he sees me he rushes over and hugs me.

"What happened?" He says, hints of worry in his voice.

"Some children have been kidnapped by a man that came down from the sky."

Jack's P.o.v

"What happened?" I ask it's hard to see Elsa cry.

"Some children have been kidnapped by a man that came down from the sky." Elsa replies weakly.

No it couldn't be. There is no chance it could be. No.

"I am so sorry. But I can guarantee that I will be right next to you the whole way." I try to say reassuringly.

I pick up Elsa bridal style and fly her down to her room.

"Ice queen you need to get some more sleep. I will be right here when you wake up."

She raises an eyebrow looking me up and down.

"Don't you try anything." She smirks.

I put my hands up in defence.

"No I am going to SIT on the edge of your bed." I say with and emphasis on sit. She giggles and pulls up the covers and closes her beautiful eyes.

Within a few minutes her breathing steadied and I know she is asleep. I hold her hand and gently rub my thumb over her it.

This is not good. I know this is not know this is not going have a happy ending. Great just what I need just when I get a girlfriend. I lose myself in old memories.

Elsa gasps snaping me out of my trance. Her eyes shoot open and she starts to scream.

"Hey. Shhhhh.......  it's okay it was just I dream I am right here. It's okay." Elsa starts to calm down. But she is still breathing very heavily.

There was a loud knock at the door.

"My queen is everything alright?" Kai asks through the door.

"Yes everything is fine Elsa just had a bad dream." I say.

"Okay call if you need anything." Kai says, I hear his footsteps echo down the hall. Elsa sat up in bed, I leaned in and kissed her.

"Thanks Jack for being here for me."

"Always. But there is on thing I need to tell you."

"You can tell me anything what is it?" She asks looking confused. She looks really cute when she is confused.

"So that 'man'  that came down from the sky."

"Yeah..... " A small tear escapes from her left eye. I pick up my hand and wipe it away.

"Its actually a girl and I know her."  I look at the ground. Elsa gasps softly.

"Her name is........ "

I wonder who she is and how Jack knows her! Sorry for the late update! Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Goodbye darling readers. ~Starflower12359

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