Chapter 16

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Elsa's POV

My sister gone?

No no no no no no no! She is the only person that can help me control my powers without her..... I don't even want to know.

Tears stream down my face. Snowflakes fall and circle me, getting faster and heavier by the second.

I faintly hear the door open. Then through my whirlwind of snow I see Jack. My emotions get the better of me and my whirlwind of snow freezes solid. I bang on the solid ice but it's no use.

I sink to the floor and put my head between my knees. My dress begins to get hot and wet from my tears.

I hear the glass around me shatter. Jack runs over and sits down next to me.

"Elsa. I'm sorry. But I promise we will find Anna. What ever it takes." He says. He looks ahead, not at me. Almost as if remembering something.

Jack's POV

I looked ahead. This was just when I remembered, my sister.

When I died, my sister went to my mom. She had promised that they would find me. When the moon came it took my body away so they never did find me. I remember the day my mom had to break that news. Emma's had filled with tears. She and my mother had cried for hours. I had to pull myself away from my family and accept the new life I have.

I stand up and look down at Elsa, she looks up at me hope in her eyes. I extend my hand and pull her up.

"Elsa I promise to the moon and back that I will find Anna and kill the she-devil." I say then I hug her. She screams out in pain and her limp body falls to the floor. I pick her up bridal style and fly us to her room.

I lay her down in bed and tuck her in. Her chest rises and falls. I kiss her forehead and then leave the room.

I find Kristoff.

"I'm going to go find Anna and kill Cypress. Stay here and tell Elsa I'm on guardian duties." I say.

"OK. Just make sure she's ok." He replies, his voice shaking.

"When I have her, the northern lights will shine bright!" I shake Kristoff's hand and hop on my staff.

I fly away from the castle, it gets smaller and smaller.

I turn my head away and fly to the one place Cypress would go.

Anna's POV

I wake up to complete darkness. Around my hands are what feel like hand cuffs.

"What do you want with me?" I shout into the darkness.

"What do I want with you?" Cypress hisses. "I want what I never got, my happily ever after. And you're just a pawn in my game. Get used to the darkness, because you will be here for awhile."

I hear a door slam shut and now I know I'm alone.

Hello my people's! I am back. Sorry. I got sick and then school picked up and then I got writers block. Sorry this is short I really wanted to give you an update! Bye! ~Starflower12359

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