Chapter 14 New Evil

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Elsa's POV

I sink to the floor clutching my mark. Wait, mark from Cypress? Her evil laugh fills my ears, then everything goes black.

I am back in the black room.

"Hey Elsa! How has your day been?" Cypress says. I turn around and face her.

"Why am I here?"

"Well you blacked out so we might as well talk. Is that a problem?" She pouts.

"Shut up."

"So I guess you might wish to know why you blacked out. Well you don't get to know! But I will tell you what that little mark of yours means." I glare at Cypress.

"It means we are connected. Anything that happens to me will happen to you. Someone kills me it kills you. Oh and I am feeling extra generous today, the only time the mark will black you out is when your precious little boyfriend touches you."

"No!" I scream in disbelief. "No your lying!"

"I may be evil but I don't lie sweetie. Now that you know this information you will keep your lips sealed." Cypress' evil laugh fill my ears again and I bolt up.

Anna, Kristoff, and Jack all hover around me.

"Elsa?" Anna whispers.

"Yeah." I reply.

"What happened?"

"Well...... " I begin to say what Cypress told me but the words don't come out. I try again,"Cypress' mark means...."  The words still don't come out.

"What?" Jack asks.

"I can't say, she won't let me."

Jack reaches down to help me up but I roll out of the way and bolt up.

"Elsa you alright?" Jack walks toward me and reaches out to comfort me. I slip out of his reach and back away to the wall.

"Elsa?" Anna whispers.

"I can't do this!" I run out of the room and towards the castle gates.

I run all the way to my ice castle and lock the door tight. Right now I just need to be alone. I run up the stair and go to an empty room.

The nothingness calms me and I realise how tired I am. My eyes begin to droop and I find sleep.

The sound of a door opening wakes me up. A small snowman waddles into the room.

"Hi Elsa!" He says cheerily.

"Hi Olaf." I say more to the ground then him.

"Why are you all alone?"

"I need some time away from everything. Why are you here?"

"Anna sent me to check on you!"

Jack's POV

Elsa runs out of the room, I start to follow her but Anna keeps me back. I glare back at her.

"Jack trust me I have done this before, she just needs some time to cool down." She tries to comfort me.

I feel like a piece of my heart has been ripped away. What's her problem? Why wouldn't she let me comfort her? Does she not like me anymore? Questions swirl through my head making me angrier and angrier by the second. I scream in frustration then grab my staff and fly to the North Pole.

"North?" I yell.

"Jack! Haven't seen you in a long time! How have you been?" He asks.

"Cypress is back." I say flatly.

"Not again."

"Yep and she have Elsa, my girlfriend, a mark."

"Oh Jack's got a girlfriend. Wait, did you say mark?"


"Do we know what type?"


"Good bad along those lines."

"Uh. I don't know."

North and I talk for awhile. It was nice to get out all my anger. Once I am done I fly around and do my guardian duties.

I fly to the castle. Everything is quiet. I walk to the dinning room and find Anna and Kristoff quietly eating their meal.

"Any news from Olaf?" I ask trying to hide my worry because I am still mad at Elsa.

"He came back yesterday and said Elsa would be back tomorrow." Ann a replies not looking up from her food.

I walk out of the room and go to my room. It's so quiet. I'm not used being alone now that I'm with Elsa. But now I don't even know where I stand.

I sit on my bed and drift away. A small knock awakes me. Anna walks into the room.

"What time is it?" I whine. All the windows are still black.

"I don't know like four am? But Elsa just got back!" She squeals. I bolt out of bed and follow Anna to Elsa's room. Elsa has her back to us. I walk around the her front. She stares blankly.

"Elsa?" I move my hand in front of her face, nothing happens.

"Elsa?" This time I touch her shoulder. She looks me dead in the eye.

"Hello Jack, I'm sorry but for the moment your little Elsa is gone!" Elsa says but in Cypress' voice. She begins to cackle then fall back on the bed not moving.

Hello my snow cones! How has school been? Probably not fun! Well here's a new chapter! Ooooo and Cypress! She is a bad girl. I really would love it if everyone checked out some of my other books! Thanks. Comment, vote, eat cheese! ~Starflower12359

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