Chapter 15

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Jack's POV

"Hello Jack, I'm sorry but for the moment your little Elsa is gone!" Elsa says but in Cypress' voice. She begins to cackle then fall back on the bed not moving.

"Elsa?" I scream. She gives me no response.

"Elsa!" I scream and shake her. Nothing happens. Anna grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Let's go to bed Jack." I try to squirm out of her grip but I can't. She leads me out of the room and says good night. I walk back to my room alone.

I hope she's okay.

She has to be okay.

The sound of birds chirping awakens me. I scramble out of bed and sprint to Elsa's room. When I see her door I push through it not even bothering to knock.

Elsa sits in her bed surrounded by papers. She has her adorable little glasses on and she sips tea.

"Good morning Jack!" She says taking off her glasses.

"Hey Elsa." I sit on the edge of her bed. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. The past few days ate a bit foggy but I'm fine."

"Great. So what are you doing today?"

"It turns out being away from the castle for two days means more work. So I have to catch up on everything. But I could get it done quicker if you helped me." I smile and nod.

"Okay come on." She laughs and pulls me down the halls. We stop in the library and begin to work.

"Oh we're done!" I flop on the couch in the library. Elsa flops down next to me.

"Oh come here!" I call to Elsa and pull her toward me. Now she is sitting on my lap.

I breath in her scent, she smells like the new fallen snow.

"Jack Frost! Are you smelling me?" She laughs.


She playfully hits my leg. We both burst out laughing. The laughter continues until tears are rolling down our eyes.

Anna's POV

I hate her. I hate Cypress. She needs to get her butt out of here! How could she do something like that to my sister.

I find an empty room.

"Cypress! Get yo butt in here!" I shout. The lights flicker off then on again.

"Yes honey?" She says. Cypress sit in a chair next to me checking her nails.

"Cypress you just need to stop and leave!" I scream.

"Whoa! Calm yourself, little ball of anger."

"You better get your little butt out of here and take back whatever the mark is. Before I kill you myself."

"Um I think not. You see Anna. This is my game and I think you need to get your little butt out of my business. Or you won't live to see your baby be born."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me."

I back off and start to go for the door.

"Um I don't think so. The game is just beginning." Cypress cackled and then everything goes black.

Elsa's POV

Jack and I walk down the hallway to find a very distressed Kristoff.

"Is everything alright Kristoff?" I rush to his side.

"It's Anna. I can't find her anywhere." A single tear fall down his cheek.

"Don't worry! Anna probably just went out to the village. She will be back before you know it." I say reassuringly.

My sister gone?

Hello peeps! Sorry this is short, I just wanted to give you guys an update! Thank you soooooooo much for the 1k+ reads! I never thought that would happen! Please vote and comment! Love ya! ~Starflower12359

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