Chapter 5 Queen Duties

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Elsa's P.o.v

"So will you be my girlfriend?"  Asks Jack staring deep into my eyes.

I take a moment and let the words sink in. No one has ever asked me a question like this. It felt really good!

"Um.... YES!" I scream. He opens his arms and I race over to them. We hug each other for awhile. I look up at his face and he is smiling down at me.

"Come on let's get back to the castle it's really late." Jack  says. I begin to yawn and get super tired.

Jack's P.o.v

Elsa yawns next to me so I pick her up and fly her back to the castle. She looks so peaceful. I glide to her room and set her on the bed.

I stay for a moment watching her. Then I leave and go to my room.

When I wake up I walk to Elsa's room and open the door. Elsa is still sleeping so I gently shake her. She opens her eyes and smiles up at me. I pull her out of bed and she goes to get ready.

She comes out wearing a long purple dress. I hold out my hand and she takes it. We slowly walk to breakfast.

After breakfast Elsa leaves to do queen duties. I have the rest of the morning to myself.

I glide over to my window in my room. Crap! I haven't been doing my guardian duties! I hop on my stay and start flying spreading winter and fun all around. Once I do that I decide to pay a visit to North.

"North?" I call.

"Over here. Is that you Jack?" I glide towards North.

"Yep it's me."

"Where have you been recently?"

"In Arendelle with Queen Elsa."

"Oh so...... "

"Yes we are dating!"

"Great. When did you ask her?"

"Last night."

"Really? You have been there for almost a week and you asked her last night?"

"Yeah....... "

"Okay. Great to see you!"

"Bye North!" I fly back to Arendelle.

Elsa's P.o.v

I through most of the day listening to what the people of Arendelle needed. My mind kept drifting off to Jack. I wonder what he did today?

At dinner I am alone then Jack rushes in.

"Sorry I was visiting friends."

"That's great!" I replied, at least he wasn't bored all day.

"What did you do today?"

"Listen to my people."

"Sounds fun."

"It was fun for the first hour then it got super boring."

"What was the craziest thing someone asked you for?"

"Ummmmm...... " I thought for a moment, "Someone asked me to build an ice castle here. But we don't have room so I had to say no."

"Cool." Jack starts to twirl his staff, this is an awkward conversation.

We both finish dinner and head our separate ways. When I close the door I lean on it and think.

I actually have a boyfriend! How much better could this get?

Sorry about the long wait! I hope you liked the chapter. Please comment and vote! Goodbye darlings! ~Starflower12359

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