Who won?

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It has been a few days since the lawyers have shown the judge the video, we are all waiting on the answer. Pepper has recently gotten more persistent that Tony drops the full custody wants, but he says that she shouldn't be able to have kids over at all. Pepper and Skip have started 'dating', Peter and I have a suspicion that he is only dating her to get to him and Morgan. Tony and I won't let him leave our sides. 

"Liv?" Morgan pulled on my pant leg, she refuses to call anyone mom until the battle for custody is finished. 

"Yes, darling?" 

"I was wondering if you would do my makeup. Dad already said you can, all you have to do is agree." She was smiling at me, hoping I would say yes.

"Of course, little one. Let's go and grab my makeup, and maybe Nat will let us borrow some of her nice lipstick." I grabbed her hand and started the walk to Nat's room, where I knew she would be. We reached her door and Morgan knocked, Nat opened the door looking like she just got out of the shower. Her hair was wet and she was wearing what looked to be my hoodie. Not surprising since she steals everyone's clothing, Tony says it's to assert dominance and no one disagrees. 

"Yes?" Nat asked, smiling at my inability to stop staring at her. I shook my head and looked down at Morgan, signaling for her to ask. 

"We were wondering if we could borrow your good lipstick so Liv and do my makeup," Morgan asked very fast scared of getting told no.

"Of course you can, but only on one condition." Nat raised her eyebrow at Morgan.

"What is it?" Morgan eagerly asked.

"You let me help Liv with your makeup," 

"Yay! Girl time," Morgan was jumping up and down with joy.

"What's this about girl time?" Wanda asked walking out of her room.

"Live and Nat are going to do my makeup! Want to join?" Morgan asked Wanda as she walked over.

"Yes, I would love to join," Wanda answered as we walking into Nat's room.

~time skip~

After Morgan's makeup was done she insisted that everyone gets their makeup done. We didn't argue and just let Morgan guide Nat on what to do, Wanda and I did Nat's makeup. We walked downstairs where the rest of the team would be and Pepper with her lawyers was there. 

"Good you are here," The lawyer, whose name I learned was KC, said as we walked in.

"We are here with the judge," KC pointed the man in a rode, "He is going to give his decision on custody today. Right here," 

"I have decided that Pepper Potts be given no custody over Morgan Stark. Visitation will be decided by Anthony Stark, Morgan's legal guardian. As for Olivia Smith, she will be given custody over Morgan. This was a request by Morgan Stark herself, one that Tony Stark approved. If Morgan is left with Pepper Potts without a legal guardian present, Steven Westcott cannot be within 10 feet of the girl at any given time. As he is a known child offender and one that cannot be trusted." The judge read off his paper, Pepper looked madder by the second. By the end, if looks could kill, well I would still be alive just minorly injured.

"This is preposterous! Morgan is my child, Olivia is just a whore with more than the normal amount of soulmates! " Pepper screamed out standing up, the Avengers took a step closer to me. Tears formed in my eyes, I've been called a slut before but the word whore... that's the one word my old best friend used. She would just scream it out across the lunchroom and the halls. That one cut deep, and I was ready to face Pepper with full force.

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