Hydra? Who are they?

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3rd person

Olivia woke up to a click, when she looked around she noticed it was just the sound of her door being unlocked. The question was who was unlocking her door without knocking first? And why did they unlocked her door at 3:00 am? Olivia shot up when FRIDAY sent a silent alert to her phone saying that the person that's about to walk through her door isn't a friendly face. 

"Oliviaaaa? It's ok, I just want to talk.." A voice called out, Olivia was already putting on her suit that was made for emergencies. "I know you are in here," Olivia made a run for her window. The window is the only safe way for her to get out of her room, as she neared it she heard the voice call something out in Russian before she jumped out. 

"FRIDAY?" Olivia called out, hoping that the AI would be in her suit.

"Yes, miss?" FRIDAY answered.

"Can you alert Tony and the rest about what happened?" 

"I already did, but it seems they have been knocked out with some gas." Olivia sighed at the answer given to her, but had to think and FAST! She was falling and needed a way for her to get to safety before she became a pancake.

"FRIDAY, is Peter still at his aunt's?"

"Yes, and I already alerted him."

"Oh FRIDAY you are the best." Olivia closed her eyes knowing if she hit the ground it would hurt and she would probably not make it. That was until she felt an arm wrap around her waist, she opened her eyes and there was Peter Parker or Spiderman in all his glory. 

"I got you," Peter said pulling them both to the nearest rooftop.

"Peter how I am so glad to see you! I don't know what happened but they knew my name and they wanted me. I freaked out and the only way out was through the window, I would be dead right now if you hadn't gotten here when you did!" Olivia ranted.

Normal POV

"Hey, calm down. I was patrolling when FRIDAY contacted Karen about you being in danger." Peter was quick to reassure me. I took a deep breath and stayed in my position against Peter's chest. 

"FRIDAY how long will the Avengers be out?" I asked the AI knowing she would know the answer.

"A few days, the gas is being constantly pumped into their rooms. The supply should be gone in about 24 hours and they should wake up in about 36 hours." I sighed that's too long for us just to wait.

"FRIDAY contact T'Challa and tell him we are on our way," I instructed the AI while already planning to steal a quinjet.

"Ok, miss. I also just sent a quinjet your way, it shall reach you in 3...2...1..." As FRIDAY finished her count down the quinjet arrived. Peter and I hopped on the jet, he called May and explained everything. She said to be careful and that she's leaving the state with a few coworkers since they have been picked to go and work out of state for a little bit for some extra money. May and Peter both shared their locations so they can keep track of the other. It warmed my heart to see it, that's when both Peter and I heard a noise. I shot up and pulled a gun off my side ready to use it if needed.

"Mom? Peter?" Morgan called out, we both let out a sigh of relief.

"Morgan, baby, what I thought you were asleep like the others," I said pulling the poor girl into my arms. 

"I was asleep until I heard your window break, I ran out of bed and unto the jet. FRIDAY told me to wait here and that I would be safe." Morgan explains moving to the bed/table that they use when someone gets injured on a mission.

"Liv, I think you should see this!" Peter called out from the window, I told Morgan to stay on the bed and not move unless she absolutely has to. She fell asleep which is honestly better than her awake for this.

"Pete, are they..."

"Yeah, they are," We looked over, and there they were, FLYING ON DRAGONS? Nope, I can't do this, I walked away from the window only for the fire to be launched at the jet. I jumped up from my seat, grabbed my gun, and started shooting at them. Once the Hydra agent was of the dragon would dissipate. Peter was webbing them up when we got a face call, it was from T'Challa.

"Hey," I called out not looking at the video.

"Hey, what are you doing?" T'Challa asked us, I turned to face him for a second, smiled, and went back to shooting the agents.

"Oh, you know just shooting some Hydra agents off some dragons." It was such a nonchalant tone for a not so nonchalant sentence. 

"I'm sorry what?" Shuri asked, I let out a laugh and moved the camera over so they could see the sense in front of Peter and me. Shuri and T'Challa both laughed then gasped when the fire came at us. Peter and I figured out that the fire isn't real just an illusion and some heat. it's to scare people into fainting not hurting them, thankfully. 

"We are fine! It's not real!" I yelled over the sound of the roaring 'dragons'. I shot the last guy down and we were free from them. I walked over to Morgan while Peter explained everything to the other two over the phone. Morgan was peacefully asleep and wasn't harmed in any way. 

"So Hydra's after you know?" The sound of Shuri's voice made me look up, I only nodded scared of what I might say now that the adrenaline from everything is over. "You are entering Wakanda now, we will see you when you land." Shuri and T'Challa walked off and the video was cut. I sighed and picked Morgan up, when I walked out Shuri and T'Challa both walked straight over to me. I gave them a side hug and a kiss but ultimately had to leave their embrace so I could put Morgan into a bed. The night was filled with plans to get the rest here to safety and getting rid of the last few roots of Hydra. 


Yay! I update once again! I got a new keyboard that isn't attached to my laptop so I can write more effectively now. I know that my updates are far and few between, but I am making them more predominant until this story is finished. I started this story almost a year ago and I want to finish it before the one-year mark. I know it's saddening for this to end, but that means I can now work on new stories. My updates are going to get longer through because I have a 1000 word minimum for my updates with no limit on how long they can be. This one is shorter than yesterday's but the good news is that it will be the shortest since I rushed to finish this one after school. I hope you have a wonderful day/night/evening and take care of yourself. Drink water and get some sleep. Love you all very much, Mack❤

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