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There is self-harm in this and talk about it. It starts in the italics and continues until the end. 

I have been sitting on my porch for a little because it has been a few days since I met two of my soulmates so now I and sitting here with tea watching it pour. The power went out a little bit ago and my mom took a late shift at the hospital so I am all alone with my thoughts and a good book. Well, I was until my phone went off.

"Hello?" I asked

"Do you never look at who is calling you?" Wanda asked

"Not really. Why?"

"Does it not get annoying asking who is called you all the time?"

"Honestly nope. No one calls me anyway. Can I ask why you called though?"

"Well, are you up to meeting some people?" 

"I guess. You can bring them over."

"Ok, we will be there very soon." With that, she hung up. What does she mean very soon? I shrug and go back to my book listening to the rain. I didn't get far into my book when I heard footsteps. I looked up and saw Wanda, Pietro, and three other people. Oh, and my soul marks are a flame, not on fire but they burn. It took a second but I had names to faces. Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, and Bruce Banner. 

"Hi! Welcome, and hurry up we don't want to be out if the storm gets worse." I called out with a wave of my hand.

"Were you waiting for us?" Wanda asked I laughed a little and shook my head.

"Nope, I like to read out in the rain," I answered simply walking inside. They followed, "Need anything?" They simply shook their heads. "Bathroom is down the hall first door on the left," I explained as I went to go and refill my cup.

"Introductions. Hi, my name is Olivia." I said holding my hand out for someone to shake. 

"Bruce Banner," He said as he shook it

"Natasha Romanoff" was the next person who introduced themselves

"Clint Barton," He also shook my hand.

"Is there a reason why today you come and met me?" I asked

"The tower's power was out and wanted to see if yours was as well." It was Bruce who spoke.

"Well as you can see my power is gone. Almost all of my block has no power." I said with a wave of my hand dismissing the subject. "Well since five of the fifteen of you are here let's play a game, shall we?" I said moving to the closet. They moved to sit on my couch. We ended up playing Uno. Natasha won, Bruce didn't play for fear of losing control, Pietro was out first followed closely by Clint, Wanda and I tied. We talked a little till they got a call that the power as back on at the tower and Fury wanted to talk to them. I waved them bye and went back to my book.

"Liv, I'm home!" My mom called out

"Welcome home mom." I raised my voice so she could hear me from the kitchen

"I am thinking we get take out for dinner and talk since the power is still out." My mom proposed

"Yes! I was thinking Chinese sounds amazing today." I answered looking up for job hunting. She nodded in agreement and went to go and get it. I went back to job hunting when you think about it I probably don't need to because of who my mates are but I like earning my own money. Mom came back from getting food and asked about my day. I told her about the power going out it scaring the everloving shit out of me. Meeting more of my soulmates and playing a game with them. She laughed that I was scared when the power went, she really loved the fact that I jumped and fell down the stairs. She also said she was happy I met more of my mates. After dinner, I headed to bed. I fell asleep peacefully.

"What do you mean he's gone?!" They were talking about how my dad died in a plane crash. He was severed in half but a piece of the plane that fell down. I let the tears slip from my eyes. I ran to my room, I needed something to do something to take my mind off of what was just told to me. I looked around but found nothing, I screamed in frustration. My mom was at work and I slammed the door in the police officers' faces. I ran to the bathroom quickly taking the Razer blade into my hand. I heard that cutting helps some people but also it isn't the best. I don't have time to waste thinking about everything. I put it to my skin and slice, it stung at first but nothing too bad so I did it again and again. I did it until I no longer felt sad. I felt numb, I cleaned up everything and hid the blade under the sink. "Liv! You here?" My mom called out. I walked downstairs and there she was standing there with red-rimmed eyes. Tears rolling down her face she looked different like the tears and the eyes were wrong. I hugged her then I heard a gunshot. Bang bang bang. Three in a row, we ran outside to see someone laying on the sidewalk with three new holes in their body. I tried to help them but eventually, they died even before the ambulance got there.

I shot up in bed wiping the tears that streamed down my face slowly making my way to the bathroom. I washed my face and looked at the time 6:30 am. I look over at the blades on my sink and reach out for them. I hold them remembering what I used to use them for. I take them to my mom and hand them to her.

"I can't not today. Please take them." I told her she nodded and pulled me in for a hug.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  1004 words! I am proud of my self. Also, I thought we needed some angst and building up her past a little. I might give her powers but if you don't want her to have the, tell me. The next chapter will talk about her past a lot more.

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