Thanksgiving with the Avengers

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It's 4 am and I'm awake. They better be fighting for a good damn reason or I'm about to throw hands. When I walk into the kitchen it's Pietro, Wanda, Nat, and Bucky who are fighting.

"It's morning and I need to eat breakfast!" Bucky said trying to get into the kitchen.

"Go eat somewhere else!" Nat screamed but effectively moving in the way of the kitchen while the other two move to cook once more.

"Where!?" Bucky questioned, I shook my head.

"We have another kitchen you know," I offhandedly told them. Making their fight stop in its tracks. I hopped up on a stool in front of Pietro and he handed me a bowl of cereal.

"We do?" Bucky looked perplexed.

"I don't know exactly. I stumbled a-crossed it one night. Friday could tell you though." I gestured to the ceiling. I took a bite of my cereal and ignored Bucky trying to take the bowl from me mumbling some across the lines of 'how come she got food but I didn't'. It was all day that the same fight happened. How are we gonna eat? Why are you guys taking so long? I stood as a guard in the kitchen since I'm the only one they won't physically move, but at least I got to try the sweets when they came out of the oven. Dinner was done at 5:30 and they considered it a win.

"Friday could you please tell everyone dinner as loudly and annoyingly as possible? Except for Bruce since he's the only one who didn't try and get into the kitchen today." I asked Friday, she confirmed and the next thing we hear is a few different songs, screaming, and the fire extinguishers going off (the water ones that look weird on the roofs of schools and things). Nat was laughing but so was the rest of us.

"Was that necessary?" Tony asked as he walked out of the elevator completely soaked. A completely dry and unbothered Bruce.

"Why isn't he wet?" Sam asked point towards Bruce.

"He didn't try and get to the good at all today," I told them, they nodded but Sam pouted over it.

"Time to eat!" Nat said moving to the table. Everything was going fine until...

"Can you pass the pepper?" Bucky asked. Sam threw it at him and it hit his head.

"Oops," Sam said, I moved closer to Wanda trying to get as far from those two as possible.

"You know what? I don't want pepper anymore, you can have it back." Bucky threw it back at Sam. It hit Sam on his chest, Sam slowly looked up and pounced across the table at Bucky. At that point, most everyone was standing up with me hiding behind the Maximoff Twins.

"Pietro take Liv and hid. I'll cover you two if this turns into a good fight." Wanda said, Pietro, nodded and picked me up bridal style. I laughed as he ran away with me in my arms. Wanda came running into Pietro's room to find us watching Home Alone. She was holding... nerf guns? "It evolved! Sam had one hiding in the living room and now there is a whole war going on between everyone!" Wanda looked panicked. I smiled and grabbed one from her hands.

"I might have been an only child but I would play with my mom and the kids she babysat all the time. Need some help?" I asked, holding the gun checking the ammo, and pulling the spring back do all I have to do is pull the trigger.

"Let's go!" Pietro grabbed his own and we snuck out of the room. We ran into Nat who was going to shoot until she saw me.

"I claim cheating. You have the one person no one will shoot." Nat said loudly. I shushed her.

"If your gonna be that loud at least make me an ally. Or better yet join us," I told her, the Twins nodded they knew that she would be a good asset.

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