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"Avengers, You have something of mine and I am gonna take it back," Thomas said.

"You can try," Tony answered

"Oh I don't have to try I will." He told them 

"Don't I get a say. I mean this is about me." I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Sure, my sweet. You can have a say." Thomas said. That whole 'my sweet' made my skin crawl.

"Ok, my say is that I want to stay with my soulmates. Oh, and I am not 'your sweet'" I informed him with my arms crossed. I think that made him mad. 

"You will be mine!" Was the last thing he said before the video cut off. 

"Well, that was an eventful morning," I said with another shrug. I have been shrugging a lot this morning. They looked at me like I was crazy. "What?" I asked with a tilt of my head.

"Nothing. You just really seem all that fazed." Bucky said.

"Well, when insane stuff has been happening all around you for your whole life, you get used to it," I informed them with a slight smile. They just smiled at me and went back to what they were doing.

"Wait, shouldn't we be doing something about Thomas?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah, we should probably," Steve said moving to stand up.

"We could move her to the compound upstate," Tony suggested. Everyone agreed with him.

"How are we going to move her there without people noticing?" Nat asked.

"You could take me in the jet and when people ask you say you were on a mission," I suggested with a shrug.

"That could work. So when are we going to move you to the compound?" Peter asked.

"Later today. Give me some time to pack a bag, maybe when the sun goes down. Depends on how long you want to wait." I said moving to sit down. As I walked past Pietro he pulled me int his lap. I gave a small squeak by the sudden movement but didn't move from his lap. 

"Alright, we will move you when the sun goes down." Steve decided. I nodded as Pietro snuggled his head in the crook of my neck. 

"You plan on sharing her Pietro?" Sam asked. Pietro simply shook his head no and snuggled closer to me.

"Than we will just have to take her won't we?" Sam challenged. I laughed and stood up.

"Alright, if we are going to do this than we are going to do this the right way. We are going to have a nice old fashion nerf fight." They nodded and went to grab their nerf gun to chose. "Here are the rules: no powers we have to make this a fair fight. No ganging up on each other, you may have aliases but those end when it is down to the final 5. The last one standing gets me for an hour not interrupted got it?" I told them. They nodded. "Ok on the count of three you will have 10 minutes to find your starting point. Friday will keep track of who is in and who is out. Ever need to know ask her. Also, I will sit in the living room. I will not tell who is where or which direction they went. This is survival of the fittest. Are you ready?" I said. They all nodded. "Alright, three two one. GO!" I shouted they ran off in different directions. I am kinda curious who will win.

~Time skip. after the whole dramatic thing~

"Well, Nat won. Not even surprised." I told them all while Nat had me in her lap. Her arms around my waist and head in my neck.

"Yeah, don't really think we are either," Clint said. He was slightly outta breath from running away from Nat at the end but he was the second to last one out.

"I thought y'all would have figured out the real way to win," I said with a slight laugh.

"Yeah what is the real way to win?" Tony asked he was out after about an hour not the first but not the last.

"The real way to win is to get out first then come sit with me. That way you would have at least 2 hours with me. See you get out and are out for the rest of the game. Therefore you could have sat with me for the rest of the game. Which by the way lasted longer than an hour." I informed them. They kinda looked at me like I just came up with a way to cure cancer.

"Peter is that why you got out first?" Tony asked him.

"Yeah, kinda. I only thought about it after I got out." Peter told us. I laughed a little and relaxed into Nat. That is how my day went. I would sit with one person and then move to the next. I went in order from the last one out to the first one out. It was a perfect day. Then I had to pack to go to the compound. This should be fun. Or will it?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ok it's 7/11 but there was no free Slurpees this year because of corona. Anywho hope you enjoy the new chapter and the little mini-war. Since I am not gonna have Civil War happen this is what y'all gonna get. How is the whole quarantine thing treating you? I want to get to know you guys more.

~with love Mack

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