Are you ok?

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I went to write this and saw that I hit 1K reads! I am so happy I'm crying. You guys are amazing. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

3rd person POV

The Avengers all were tired and frustrated from not being able to find Thomas. They want nothing more than to spend time with their soulmate. When they got to the room she is staying at they found her on the floor. Olivia was in tears and scratching her arms, her arms were red and it looked like the skin was about to break.

"Oliva, we need you to calm down," Tony spoke softly to the crying girl but every time he moved closer she pushed herself farther away from them. Tony gave up after a minute knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere. Olivia started to calm down and stopped crying, but as soon as someone went to say something Olivia passed out. Natasha picked her up and moved her to the couch. Shuri moved to become her mate's pillow, Nat had Olivia's legs in her lap and the rest were standing around.

Olivia's POV

My head hurt and my eyelids felt heavy. I know this feeling it was what I felt like after I cried myself to sleep. I don't really remember falling asleep. I remember looking through my bag, finding the photos, and looking for something sharp. I remember falling to the ground and scratching at my arms. Then someone trying to get to me but I backed away. That's when it all went black, wait was someone running their hands through my hair? Was that voices, and was someone rubbing my legs? I opened my eyes only to close then with a hiss.

"Liv?" I know that voice, it belonged to Loki. I tried to open my eyes one more time but this time the light didn't hurt my eyes. I looked around and was met with the worried faces of my mates.

"What happened?" I asked still not entirely sure how I got on the couch and using Shuri as a pillow.

"That's what we wanna know. We walked in and you were crying on the floor while scratching at your arms. When I tried to calm you down you moved farther away from us. Once you calmed down that's when you passed out. Nat moved you to the couch and we all waited." Tony explained, it answered most of my questions.

"How long was I out?" I questioned confused, it's not like there are windows in here.

"About 10-20 minutes," T'Challa answered my question moving closer to me.

"I feel like I haven't slept for a month," I said moving to stand and get water. When I got to the sitting position Bruce gave me a cup of water. I mumbled a 'thanks' and downed the whole glass.

"Are you gonna tell us what happened?" Stephan asked, I nodded and told them everything.

"Are you ok?" Nat asked me. I simply nodded and moved closer to her. She's so warm.

"I'm tired and am gonna go to bed," I said my southern accent coming through full force. They simply nodded and said goodnight. I got into the bedroom and changed, as soon as I hit the bed I was out cold.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thanks a million for 1K reads. I didn't really think that I would get this many but it is simply amazing. I wrote this in under an hour. Also for clarification, her soulmates are Tony, Steve, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Loki, Wanda, Pietro, Bucky, Sam, Peter P, Stephan, Shuri, T'Challa.

~with love Mack❤️

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