The next day

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The next morning was kinda a blur. I remember eating breakfast with my mom and her leaving for work then passing out on my couch watching tv. Next thing I know there was a knock on my door. Low and behold there were the Maximoff twins on the other side.

"Hi! Sorry, we came over unannounced. It is just you haven't answered any of our text or calls and wanted to see if you were ok." Wanda said. I winced at the volume but nonetheless smiled at both.

"Yeah sorry for worrying you. It is just I am not a morning person and fell asleep on the couch after my mom left." I answered, still getting used to being awake fully. They only nodded. I let them both in, they took their time looking around. Most of our stuff was still in boxes but we still had some things out.

"Who is this?" Pietro asked, holding a picture of my dad.

"Oh. That is just my dad. Never got to know him because he died only a few months after I was born but from what I heard he was lovely." I answered, not really feeling sad

"Ah sorry for your loss," Pietro said, putting it back on the mantelpiece. I shrugged and looked over at Wanda. She was looking at a picture of me and my ex-best friend as little kids on Halloween.

"That was me and my ex-best friend Halloween of 3 grade I think," I said, she jumped a little at the sudden closeness of my voice but smiled a little.

"Wait, ex-best friend?" She asked and I nodded.

"She didn't like the fact that I have so many soulmates. So she told everyone and became mean hurtful in both words and physical actions." I explained with a sad smile. Wanda ma Pietro only nodded. "My mom said that I should keep the photos of us together. Said that I might as well remember the good times instead of all the hate. I try to remember that every time someone said something or got physical with me." I elaborated some more. I felt anger through the bond and quickly added, "She never hit me only would throw mean comments my way. That was until she saw some people beating me up. She stepped in and told them off. Saying that even though we aren't the best of friends anymore she won't stand to see me or anyone get hurt because of who they are. We are good now but just never got back to the way we were." Again they nodded but the anger was gone. Then Wanda's phone went off.

"I am going to answer this outside." She said as she went to the door. Pietro and I talked a little but nothing too serious. Wanda came back inside saying that they were needed at the tower and that the rest wanted to meet me soon. I nodded and hugged both of them. They left shortly after that. I didn't see them for the rest of the day but I texted them goodnight and they responded with goodnight as well.


524 words. Ahh so I just published the first 4 parts including this one and I really am not ready for the feedback but please give it to me.

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