The beginning of the end

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It's been a few days, and everyone can move/train again. It's been nice to seeing everyone back to themselves, I've been training and finding more about my powers each day. I have wings now! It's weird really they're like angel wings except that they aren't white their black with purplish tips. When I found out about them I was on top of a platform practicing my balance when I fell and in my scared state, they just popped out of my back. It hurt at first but after the initial pain, it felt like they've always been there. It took me a while to figure out how to retract them and called them back out at my will. Ever since we found out I have wings Sam and I have been flying around for him to practice his in air things and me to practice being able to fly. 

"Liv! We need to talk!" Tony called from below me and Sam, I nodded and said bye to Sam.

"What's up?" I asked as I was lead into the palace.

"Liv, Steve, and I were talking and we think you should join us for this one. I know you opted out of it due to your personal ties to it but your powers would really be helpful." 

"Tony's right Liv, your powers are powerful and they only continue to grow every day. I personally believe that if you help us this will be over sooner. Plus everyone else has already agreed and Tony and Shuri have started making you a new suit." Steve added, I looked between the two and slowly nodded.

"What about Morgan though? I know we could leave her here but I would feel better if someone close to us would watch her." I asked them, knowing they probably have an answer about it already.

"Morgan is staying here with Shuri who is going to be our, as Peter put it, 'guy' in the chair. Shuri has already agreed to watch her," Tony answered me, my fears that Morgan was going to be with someone I don't know nor trust was put to ease. 

Over the course of the next few days, I have been really training with Nat, Wanda, Loki, and Sam to get control over my powers as well as learn some hand-to-hand combat. It's been hard but I know it will be well worth it once I actually have to use them. The others have been talking about making me an Avenger but I don't think I'm ready. They think I don't know about it but I actually do know, they aren't the quietest whisperers. As the day that we would shut the rest of Hydra down the more tensions rise between everyone, Steve and Tony were at each other's throats, Loki and Clint were fighting over who knows what, and the rest of the team has been really off. I tried brushing it off as nerves and jitters but during one of my walks through Wakanda, I noticed everyone has been off and rude to one another. I noticed the water supply color had a slight blueish tint and ran back to the palace, I found Shuri in her lab. She was unaffected like me, I found her examining some clear liquid.

"Shuri, I have no idea what you are doing but Wakanda's water supply-"

"Has a blueish tint? I know that's what I'm doing, trying to figure out what it is." Shuri cut me off, I would have normally been upset but was too invested with her finding to be mad.

"What is it? Because if it has something to do with people's behavior then it explains a lot." 

"It does, it seems like whatever gas was used to knock out the Avengers was made into a liquid and thrown into our water supply. My only guess is that someone here is working for Hydra or-"

"Someone in Hydra was welcomed into Wakanda." A new voice sounded out, I turned and Pepper was holding Morgan by the back of her shirt.

"Mom!" Morgan called out to me, I wanted to run to her but knew if I did Pepper would act irrationally. 

"She's not your mother, you little bitch." Pepper threw Morgan to the side and Morgan ran to me. 

"Pepper, what are you doing here? You could have gotten away and been safe but you chose to walk into the palace. Why?" I asked the blonde.

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