Are you jealous?

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There are strong language and jealousy. Sorry about any mistakes. I normally have Grammarly to help me but it wasn't working for some odd reason.

"Wow," I breathed looking around.

"Nice, right? I designed it." Tony said, that cocky little shit.

"You designed it? Hm thought you were better than this." I said with a smirk, that knocked him down a peg.

"Ouch, you wound me," Tony said while dramatically placing his hand over his heart.

"Follow me, Olivia. I will take you to your room." Fury said, I nodded and followed him. He showed me my room. I walked behind him as he explained that it was one of the smaller ones. I didn't care. When we got there I walked in. The room was nice and not as small as I thought. If this is one of the smaller ones I could only imagine the larger ones. He left me and my mates because he had work to do. I plopped down on the couch. It had a living room, a kitchenette, and a bedroom. The bedroom had a bathroom attached with a walking closet. My phone dinged, it was Caleb. What could he want?

Spicy: Heyo!

Sugar: Sup!

Spicy: So I just got an idea. What if we bought a van and drove around the US together?

Sugar: Where did you get this idea from?

Spicy:........Scobby Doo?

Sugar: I'm disappointed in you.

Spicy: Why?

Sugar: Because you never got the idea before, but I can't. I found my mates a few days ago and they already think Sammy is a boy. Don't know how well they would react to me traveling the world without them. Alone with a boy.

Spicy: Ohhhhh. Are they jealous?

Sugar: Worse than the Wicked Witch of the West.

Spicy: Wait. We talking about the storybook one or Sarah?

Sugar: Storybook one.

Spicy: Ah, anywho gotta go. Bye

Sugar: Bye. I rolled my eyes at this boy. I was not talking about Sarah. Yeah, she has the nickname Wicked Witch of the West, but still wasn't talking about her.

"Hey, Liv?" Clint asked

"Yeah?" I answered though it sounded more like a question

"Why did you roll your eyes? And you have been on your phone more than normal today." Clint asked me.

"Oh, well Caleb was being stupid as normal and I have been talking to my friends today," I answered I knew there was gonna be jealousy today. I was just gonna be patient.

"Caleb?" Tony asked they are all jealous now.

"Yep, the best guy friend I could ask for," I answered loving this. I might be a little mean but you know but would you pass up the chance?

"Oh, really?" Bucky asked it not really nice more like he was trying to keep his jealousy at bay. Not working so well. I decided I needed to tell them all about him.

"Yep! Like when no one wanted to go to senior prom with me he turned down everyone that asked him and took me. He also was always there when my period wanted to be more of a spiteful bitch and give me more cramps. He got me chocolate and when my heating pad broke he bought me new one, with his own money. Not only that but when I dated someone that cheated on me he beat them up and bought me dinner from my favorite place. My personal favorite is that when someone catcalled me and was following me, he ran straight from his house to were I was so the guy would leave me alone. So like I said the best." (Ok y'all all but the whole cat caller thing happened to me. During the catcalling, I was walking to meet up with my friend and when I got to him, I pulled him into a hug and told him what happened. He then proceeded to ask if he could do something which I said yes. He pulled out of the hug and kissed me. The catcaller walked off after that. The name of my friend has been changed though and anything else is false unless stated other ways.)

"Ok, we are gonna address the one at a time," Tony said, I nodded. "First, No one wanted to go to prom with you?" I again nodded. "So he took you himself?" I hummed, my agreement. "And he didn't want anything from you?" I shook my head no. "Ok, secondly he got you chocolate and a new heating pad because you had bad cramps?" I smiled and nodded my head. "Third off, when you got cheated in he fought them and then got you your favorite food from your favorite place?" I hummed while nodding my head. "And lastly, he ran all the way from his house to protect you from a catcaller?" I nodded my head again. "So, he did all of this because you were his friend? Not because he wanted anything?" Tony finished questioning.

"Yep," I said looking straight at him.

"Sounds to me like he likes you," Tony kinda spat with venom.

"Are you jealous?!" I asked.

"No." Tony defended himself.

"Ok, first off. Yes, you are and secondly, there is no need to be jealous." I told him.

"No offense but some other guy has done more for you, and you just praised him like he was everything." It was Sam said. I laughed at them.

"Ok, sorry. I really didn't think about that. Also, he's happily engaged to a very lovely woman, who is his soulmate. No need to be jealous of him." I told them still laughing slightly.

"Oh, sorry," Sam said. I waved it off.

"There really isn't anyone you need to be jealous of," I informed them.

"What about your friend that just so happens to have the same name as me?" Sam asked. I giggled at that.

"Sam is short for Samatha or more commonly known as Sammy. But what I told you was that her name was Meg. Her full name is Samatha Meg Wallace." I told them still giggling lightly.

"So you lied?" Loki asked.

"Actually, I never said Sammy was a boy or girl. I also never said Meg and Sammy were never the same people. Meg is also what some call her. Jade is her soulmate and I never lied about anything. I just didn't give you all the information and you assumed." I stated with a smile.

"Damn you had us all fooled," Nat said, I shrugged

"One of my many talents and secrets," I said

"What's another secret?" Clint asked

"Ummmm......I have no gag reflex." I told them.

"Wait, are you serious?" Tony asked

"No, I am not Serious Black. But I am not lying about my gag reflex." I said laughing slightly at my own joke.

"Was that a Harry Potter joke?" Loki asked not sounding or looking amused. I nodded laughing.

"What's another talent or secret?" Nat asked looking intrigued.

"I really don' know. I guess I am super flexible." I told them unsure if that counts.

"That counts. But how flexible are we talking?" Tony asked I know where this is going.

"Very. That is all you need to know." I said shutting that down right now.

"Ok, next fact. It will be our last before we eat." Steve said helping with the shut down of the topic.

"Well, does me being a virgin count?" I asked

"Yep! That count." Clint said.

"Liv? You said you had a boyfriend before right?" Tony asked I nodded not knowing where this was going. "If you dated before how are you still a virgin?" I rolled my eyes.

"Relationships are not all about sex, Tony," I told him not amused.

"Lunch is ready!" Steve called from the kitchenette. Getting everyone's attention.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~New part enjoy!

~with love Mack

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