Who are you?

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I am not good a writing fighting and this has some strong language. 

The window broke then I ended up under the table. How? I think one of my mates shoved me under there when the window broke.

"Where is Olivia?!" I heard someone yell. Yeah, I don't think this is normal.

"Why do you want her and who are you?" It was Tony I could tell by the slightly robotic sound to the voice. 

"Who I am is none of your concern. Her family has been in debt to mine for a long time. She is the payment or as she will be known as my wife." The stranger said with confidence. 

"How about no." So I may have gotten out from under the table. I think they are mad at me but they need a distraction. 

"Why look at you. You look positively beautiful. Too bad they won't have you for long." He said as he lunged right for me. I flipped over his body as I came towards me. He fell and looked pissed. "You vile little girl! I should have killed you with your mother, bitch!" He said that as he lunched at me again. Why my mates weren't helping beats me but hey at least I can see if my self-defense training paid off. When he went for me again I jumped to the side. He got very pissed at that and threw something at me. When I looked at it I saw it was a knife sticking out of my arm. I hissed in pain. He laughed and went for me again, I took the knife out of my arm and stabbed him with it. He hissed in pain, I took that time to kick him out the window. I watched him fall but someone in a black suit came and caught him. "This isn't the last you will see of me! You are mine, Olivia! Soon you will be known as Olivia Strafford!" His voice got farther away but I really didn't care. It was the name that confused me. I have heard it before but where is the question.

"So why didn't any of you move?" I asked looking back at them.

"We couldn't it was like we were stuck. We were able to see everything and talk to each other through the link Wanda made but that was it." It was Steve that said that. It made sense I think.

"Your bleeding." It was Bruce who was walking towards me. I forgot I was hit stabbed in the arm.

"Ouch! Forgot about that." I said holding it to try and stop the bleeding.

"Let's go and fix it." He said taking my hand that wasn't hold the wound to lead me away. We made it to the med bay and he took care of my wound. It was quiet just the two of us. It was nice though. "There, all done." He said taking a step back. I hopped off the table, I took a step to Bruce and gave him a quick kiss.

"Thanks." was all I said before his lips were back on mine. It lasted like five seconds before it was over. We smiled at each other and went back to the other. They were cleaning up so we helped.

"Did you know him?" It was Sam he broke the silence in the room. I guess it was just as suffocating for them.

"I-I don't know. But Strafford sounds familiar." I told them, then it hit me. I ran to my room without another word. I went to my mom's stuff and pulled out a letter. The outside said Open only if the Strafford's come for you.

To my dear Olivia,

If you are reading this that means I am gone along with your father. I want you to know that I love you. I know you are probably wondering who the Strafford's are. Well, when your father was little your grandfather got into some trouble. To save our grandfather your father had to promise that his firstborn daughter would be wed to Jace Strafford's firstborn son. Jace went on to have his son three years before we had you. They named him Thomas Strafford or who you will know him as the one we got our house from. I wrote this after I found the bodies in the garage. Jack's car accident was not an accident. Thomas has been hunting down all Smith's since we have had you. He wants you and belives you belong with him. Your father and I never were going to give you to them. Thomas will not stop until he has you. Please stay safe. I have always known your mates are the avengers stay with them they can protect you. They might have been frozen this time but it won't work next time if you give them each a kiss. You are special and have powers of protection. Your father and I were both mutants. Use your protection and protect them all from being frozen in time once more. 

We both love you, 

Your parents.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I am so sorry that it has been awhile since I updated. I went up to Indiana for a funeral and forgot my computer like the idiot I am. Also I gave up on adding how many words ae there. 

~With love Mack

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