How'd you find me?

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Sorry for any spelling mistakes. If you find any please point them out.

I woke up to someone sitting down on the bed I was laying in. The bed wasn't as comfortable as it was last night.

"Good morning Olivia." a voice said. Not just any voice but... no.

"Thomas, how did you find me?" I asked trying to stay calm.

"It was simple really. Just look where the avengers are and you find their soulmate." Thomas said, did he hurt them?

"You didn't hurt them did you?" I asked letting the fear creep into my voice.

"Of course not. But there is some interesting information that I found out." Thomas said I am going to have to take his word for it. Also information?

"What do you mean information?" I asked, hoping it wasn't anything bad.

"Well, when you were asleep I was looking through some old files that were stashed away in my father's old office. Let's just say what I found was interesting, to say the least." He said, oh how I am hoping it wasn't another letter.

"What did you find?" I asked I was kinda curious.

"Well, this paper says we are related. I think the debt that was supposed to be paid already has. according to this, we are cousins." Thomas said holding up a paper. I started to freak out, cousins?

"But how? The letter said that it wasn't. My mother said I had to be careful." I rambled out loud.

"Yeah, so did mine. Mine said that you would be my wife and to stop at nothing to get you. I think we were lied to. Plus what this says is that your dad's sister had me with someone of the Stratford's sons." Thomas said, I took the paper and looked at it. It was real alright and looked to be about 2 years old.

"Wait, so you killed my mom and expect me to believe you?" I asked, looking at him.

"I didn't kill your mom. It was my brother, he said to take the blame to scare you. I am truly sorry, my brother has this idea that we are meant to be. I am starting to think that I shouldn't have listened to him." Thomas informed me, he looked sad and scared of what I would do.

"I'm not going to yell at you, but you need to let me go. I need to explain this to the Avengers, once they find out I am missing they are not gonna stop till they get me back. Thomas, if any part of you cares about your cousin, you need to let me go. So I can explain this to them. Maybe I can get them from killing you. Please, then maybe we can get along and become family." I said looking him directly in the eyes.

"Ok, I will let you go. When you get out go north-east you will come across where I took you from in about 10 miles." Thomas explained as he leads me to the door.

"Thank you, Thomas. Now I have to go. Stay safe and don't have any more people get killed." I said, he laughed slightly and said goodbye. Then I was off, running faster than I have ever done before. He was right about 10 miles north-east I found Sheild HQ, I went straight to the door and it let me in. Mostly everyone stayed working except the stray worker here or there. I found the lab and luckily for me that was where they all were. I took a deep breath to steel my nerves and walked in.

"Hey, guys," I said hoping they weren't mad. They all whipped their heads toward me and ran in my direction. They hugged me all at once and I laughed slightly, I pulled away ready for the questions.

"Where were you and why didn't you tell us you were leaving?" Steve asked, I was ready for that question and took and deep breath.

"I'm not going to lie to you. Thomas kidnapped me, and before you start freaking out let me finish." I said as they were about to start yelling at me. "When I woke up he was sitting on my bed looking guilty. We started talking and I found something interesting out. Thomas and I are cousins. My dad's sister, which I didn't know existed, and one of the Stratford boys got married and had Thomas. Since we are cousins and the debt was paid we aren't supposed to be married. We came to the conclusion that neither of our parents knew. Thomas' brother was supposedly the one who killed my mom and the one who caused my dad's accident. I know this all sounds crazy and absurd look, it's the paper that has the DNA test on it and a written confession of who killed my mom and caused the accident." I said holding the papers out to them. Tony took both and ran a check on them before confirming that they are both real.

"So, you were kidnapped but you pretty much talked your way out of it," Clint asked and when I think about it he was kinda right.

"Yeah, sorta but like, I think he was gonna let me leave anyway. I don't know, but he sounded like he regretted everything he did. Saying that he felt pressured into doing everything by his very traditional brother." I said, hoping they wouldn't think I was lying and by judging their reactions and how Loki didn't sneeze once, they believed me. It was good to have understanding mates.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Thanks to everyone who is reading this it makes my heart happy and no I am not ending the book here. I hope you liked this, I got the idea of them being related, from @i_asbellle. Thanks a million.

~with love Mack❤️

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