Mr. Pirate Eyepatch man

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There will be strong language. 

The compound is large, not as big as the tower but large. They showed me my room and I got settled in quickly. I am good at making myself comfortable in new places, comes with the territory of moving. 

"So how long am I going to have to stay here?" I asked I hated being alone.

"Just until we can get Thomas got of the way," Tony told me snaking his arms around my waist. Placing a small kiss on my neck. After being with my soulmates my neck and shoulders are kinda covered with hickeys. They call it marking what's theirs, but I don't mind. I like people knowing I'm not available. 

"Alright, you guys might want to get back to the tower before people notice you're gone," I told them. I don't want them to go but they have to.

"I think we can stay longer. Right?" Peter asked looking around. People just gave nods.

~Time skip brought to you by Loki making the most noticeable hickey and Tony being mad about it.~

"Incoming call from Fury" Friday's voice rang through the living room.

"Answer it," Tony told Friday.

"Where the fuck are you?! I came to the tower looking for you, but what do I find? No Avengers, no note and definitely no idea where the fuck you are!" Mr. Pirate Eyepatch man yelled through the video call.

"Relax we are just at the compound," Tony said pulling me closer to him.

"Who is that? And why are you at the compound to begin with?" Fury asked.

"My name is Olivia Marie Smith. We are at the compound because I have a psycho after me saying that I am to be wed to him. Before you ask how any of this is their problem, they are my soulmates. If you don't trust me, which you probably don't, you may do a whole background check. That is the main reason I gave you my full name. I have nothing I don't want you to know." I simply answered before any of them could. 

"Ok," Mr. Pirate Eyepatch man looked like he was at a loss for words.

"What? Not used to people being nice and open, Mr. Pirate Eyepatch man?" I asked with a smirk. That got a chuckle from my mates and a small almost unnoticeable smile from Fury.

"Alright, Miss.Smith. I am going to take your word this time, but give me one reason to check where you came from and I will." He answered.

"You know Fury, you don't scare me," I said not breaking eye contact. He broke eye contact after that. That didn't go unnoticed by Nat.

"What, Fury? Found your match?" Nat asked with a smirk of her own. 

"Avengers, I called you for a reason. I got a video saying that you guys have something that belongs to Thomas. Do you know what that means?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"Oh, that is the psycho that is after me. He doesn't know how to take a break." I answered while everyone else made noises of frustration. 

"Ok, well he is working with what looks like the last of a Hydra." He informed us then ended the call.

"Yay. This is fantastic. I don't just have one psycho but a whole group of them after me." I was a little scared now.

"Calm down, baby," Tony whispered in my ear. I took a deep breath.

"I need to sleep. I don't know what y'all are gonna do, but I'm gonna head to bed." I told them walking away. 

"Want some company?" Tony asked with a smirk.

"Sure! Clint come on!" I said turning away and walking towards my room. I heard 'ooooh's' and 'burn's' with laughing. I stopped walking and turned towards them once again.
"Clint, you coming, or am I gonna have to pick someone else?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"You weren't joking?" He asked, such a gentleman. I shook my and started to my room again. This time with my archer following. We spent the night cuddling and just being in the presence of each other. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wowie would you look at that. An update the day after I just updated. What is this? Ok I had nothing to do today so I put a movie on and wrote this.

~with love Mack

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