A what?!

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Sorry about the long wait. I was gonna post yesterday but I can't work on this at night. I also couldn't work on this yesterday. Writers Block is terrible, really hope you enjoy this chapter because I didn't know where this was going when I started it.

"What do you mean a witch?" I have never been this confused

"Your mother was a witch, and your father was a... Ok well, he was just human." grandma said with a slight laugh.

"This is a lot to take in. Hold up, you are saying that my mother. Who you could say was the definition of normal is a witch?" I question because honestly, I am confused.

"Yes, *sigh* she was." I can't tell if she is tired, annoyed, or done with the conversation.

"Ok this has been nice, but I need to get back to my soulmates. Here's my number, and you can text me the rest of the information." I told her, handing her my number on a piece of paper. She walked me to the door and bid me farewell. As I was walking home (the tower will now be known as home) I got a text from my grandma. She explained that to protect everyone I need to make physical contact with them. The easiest way would be a kiss, but a hug would work just as well. That would be easy enough. I mean come on all I need to say is I want a hug, and they will be more than happy to give it to me.

"Hey," yeah I said that. I don't think they are happy that I left. 

"Where did you go?" Steve asked.

"To get answers" was all I said before I walked up to him. I hugged him, that was all I did before I hugged everyone else. And before they could ask more questions I went to my room so I could sleep. I mean come on it was already like one in the morning. I tired and if they kept me up any longer I might have never woke up the next morning.

~Time skip~

"Good morning," I mumbled and I got some variations of it back.

"Wanna tell us what you did yesterday," Clint asked.

"oh yeah so (enter what I wrote earlier cus I lazy). So that's what I did." I told them while eating. They looked shocked.

"So you're a witch?" Wanda asked, I only nodded. 

"Can we see the letter?" It was Nat. Again I nodded, see I have been shoving my mouth full of food after I told my story. I finished my breakfast and put the dishes away. I being the clumsy person I am hit my hip against the side of the table. (Please tell me I am not the only one who does this)

"Ouch" Was my reaction and continued to the kitchen but of course the 'ouch' caught the attention of my mates.

"Are you ok?" Pietro asked looking like a puppy. 

"Yeah, just hit my hip against the table no big deal," I said dismissing it with a wave of my hand or at least I thought.

"Are you sure you are ok? It's not gonna bruise is it?" Pietro asked again.

"Yes, and it might bruise but then I could just add it to the growing collection on my body," I told him completely forgetting who I am mated to for a second.

"What do you mean 'growing collection'?!" Tony asked kinda loudly

"I just have quite a few scattered around my body from various things. Nothing too bad." I said still not bothered in the slightest. 

"Where all are they if you don't mind sharing?" Nat asked.

"Well, I have one on my left hip, maybe one on the right depending on if it bruises, about two on my right leg as well as the left, one on each of my knees, and some around my hands and arms. So maybe about 12-13 give or take." (Ok like this is how many I have in real life. I very clumsy.) I told them.

"That is way too many," Bruce stated. I shrugged, doesn't bother me. Of course, that was when the tv decided to turn to a video of Thomas. Can he leave me alone!?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So like this is fun right. I haven't had the motivation to write for a little bit so I took a break and also got writers block. Enjoy anyway.

~with love Mack

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