The phone call

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"Olivia Marie Smith where are you?!"

"At the store."

"Why is it taking so long? I sent you out almost 10 minutes ago?"

"I sorta met two of my soulmates."

"Really!? Sorry, I didn't know."

"No it is fine it is my fault I didn't tell you I was gonna take a little longer than expected," I told my mother. She told me it was fine and that she wanted me home soon. With that, we hung up. I went back to say goodbye to my mates and went to check out. As I was walking home I felt eyes on me and got scared. When I looked around I saw Wanda and Pietro looking at me. I waved them closer and they jogged to catch up with me.

"Is there a reason why you are following me?" I questioned them both.

"We simply wanted to make sure you got home alright," Wanda told me while Pietro grabbed my hand. Wanda and I looped arms together as we walked. All the way home I told them about me and they did the same. Once we got there I hugged them both and gave them each a kiss on the cheek. I went inside leaving them in a dazed state and helped my mom with dinner. After dinner, I went upstairs to my room to go to bed. Then my phone dinged.

Unknown: Hi Olivia! This is Wanda.

Olivia: Hi Wanda! I hope you had a goodnight.

Wanda: I did. How was yours?

Olivia: Mine was good. Well, I have to head to bed so I hope you have a goodnight.

Wanda: Goodnight and the sweetest of dreams.

With that, I went to head to bed when my phone went off again.

Unknown: Hey Olivia. This is Pietro.

Olivia: Hey Pietro. I hope you are doing well.

Pietro: I am. I hope that is that case for you.

Olivia: Yep but I have to head to bed now. I hope you have a goodnight.

Pietro: I hope you do as well.

Now it really was time for me to go to bed. And with that, I fell asleep thinking of the two mates I met today.


362 words. The way I speak is kinda shining through at points of the story. I'm from Illinois but recently moved to Mississippi so it might sound a little weird.

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