The end

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"Liv! Get out of there! It's about to leave!" Nat's voice rang out through my earpiece. 

"I've almost got it! I can grab it!" I yelled out into the air knowing that I turned my earpiece off.

"Mom? Dad said you can't talk but can probably hear me. I love you and I know I might not be able to see you again. We will get you back, you might be on a plane leaving to who knows where but we will get you back." Morgan sounded like she was about to cry. That was all the motivation I needed, I stood up and popped my wings out.

Wait let's back this up a bit, let's start before this all happened.

"Remember the plan is to get the information they have and wipe Hydra out. Pepper will be taken to Shield dead to alive, she will put up a fight so be ready to shot her." Tony was going over the 'plan' as we landed.

"Everyone ready?" Steve asked, we all nodded.

"You'll do amazing," Pietro whispered to me I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I read your mind, sorry. You were thinking aloud," Wanda came up next to me, I nodded at her. We all ran up to the building getting ready for the fight. I ran into the building, that was my job, get Nat into the building and keep her safe while she gets the information. we found out my wings were bulletproof after Sam's gun on his wings malfunctioned and I reacted by covering my body with my wings. The bullet fell to the ground and my wing was fine, we tried everything but Tony's repulsors because I wasn't comfortable with him shooting at me with them. Nat made the transfer when the building started to shake, we ran out of the room and were ambushed with multiple Hydra agents. Nat and I were separated and she was pushed out of the building. I was shot in the side and in pain, I let out a scream. That scream made my magic go haywire and kill every single Hydra agent around me, I ran into the computer room and went for the flash drive when the place started to move. 

"Liv we have Pepper get out of there," Tony said, I didn't answer.

"Yeah come on 'Liv' leave the place before it flies away." Pepper said into Tony's earpiece. I gasped when she said 'flies away'.

"What do you mean 'flies away'?" I asked suddenly scared of moving.

"Liv that building I a plane..." It was Bucky who said it, I stumbled into a wall both in shock and pain.

"Ah shit," I said as my side throbbed more. The bullet only grazed my side but it still hurt. 

"What's wrong?" Bruce sounded worried.

"Oh you know, I was just grazed by a bullet." I shut my mic off after that not wanting to answer the questions anymore.

"Liv! Get out of there! It's about to leave!" Nat's voice rang out through my earpiece.

"I've almost got it! I can grab it!" I yelled out into the air knowing that I turned my earpiece off.

"Mom? Dad said you can't talk but can probably hear me. I love you and I know I might not be able to see you again. We will get you back, you might be on a plane leaving to who knows where but we will get you back." Morgan sounded like she was about to cry. That was all the motivation I needed, I stood up and popped my wings out.

I found the nearest window and shot my gun at it, I spun around after it broke open. I was hoping that there was no one else in this place with me. I ran back into the computer room and grabbed the flash drive. I ran back to the window that was barely 3 feet wide and 2 feet tall. I would have to dive either head first or feet first. I chose head hoping it would help with catching myself with my wings. I had something else to do before I can leave the plane, I reached into my pocket and grabbed a small explosive, and made my way to the engine room. I turned my mic back on.

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