Chapter 20: Is Felix Horny?

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"So, what do we do today?" Felix cheerfully asked, sensing the awkward atmosphere. Jiwon was staring at Jisung and Sihyeon alternatively, and both of them were awfully quiet. 

"Uh," Sihyeon spoke, "Felix and I won't disturb you two. We'll go somewhere else, alright?" 

Felix's eyes widened as he turned and looked at Jisung, who was speechless. Jiwon inwardly facepalmed. 

"Oh, uh, um," Jisung ransacked his brain for some good excuse to keep her with him, "I... uh..." 

"You...?" Sihyeon raised her eyebrows. 

"Felix is horny," Jisung finally spat out. 

And in that sole second, Felix wished he was six feet under the ground, and Jiwon started coughing vehemently. 

"Oh?" Sihyeon's eyes widened, and Felix was almost about to burst out, exposing his Jisung's plans to her. 

However, Jisung sensed his soulmate trying his best not to burst out ranting about his masterplan, so he slammed his hand over Felix's mouth, restraining him to speak, while Felix kicked and struggled his way out of the tight grip. 

"See? He's uncontrollable," Jisung faked a laugh in the fakest way possible. 

"I don't think he's able to breathe," Sihyeon twitched like Bella in Twilight. Felix clawed on Jisung's hands to free himself. 

Jisung realized that he was practically covering the Aussie's nose as well, so he removed his hands. As Felix turned around to face him, Jisung looked at him with puppy eyes, and that was what probably melted the soft boy's heart, since Felix turned around to look at Sihyeon. 

And with a heavy heart and red cheeks, he wrongly admitted, "Y-Yes... I am indeed horny." 

But Sihyeon wasn't an idiot. She could see through Felix, judging by his uneasy aura and the fact that he wasn't able to match his eyes with hers. And to fuel her very own plan to play with Jisung the way he had played her, she smirked and linked arms with Felix, and giggled and said, "All the more reason to be with him, if you know what I mean." 

Jiwon started coughing furiously, and Felix gasped. 

Jisung yelled out a loud, "WHAT?" 

"You heard me," Sihyeon shrugged, pulling Felix away with her (who was totally shook) and waving a goodbye to Jiwon and Jisung, "Enjoy, you two!" 

With that, Sihyeon and Felix were off, leaving a gaping Jisung behind. He turned to look at Jiwon, who was standing with her arms crossed over her chest. 

"I didn't see that coming!" Jisung pointed at them. Jiwon gave him a sarcastic look. 

"Yeah, who would've thought?" 


"Yeah, who would've thought?" 

Sihyeon gave Felix a sideways look, and he embarrassedly averted his eyes. 

"Who would've thought that you're that bad at hiding something?" she continued. 

At that, the Aussie's eyes widened, and he snapped his head at her, "Wait..." 


"I'm not hiding anything..." he lied through his teeth. 

"It's so evident that you and Jisung are hiding something," she spoke, "You can't actually be horny, now, could you?" 

"W-Well, I might be!" 

Sihyeon laughed, "You're so adorable!" 


"But you're just as bad at hiding things." 

"Thank- wait, what?" 

"What are you hiding?" she straightforwardly questioned. 

"I can't tell you... it's a secret..." Felix glumly looked at the ground. 

"Alright, I won't ask you what it is, but you've gotta help me," Sihyeon stopped walking, making him halt as well. They stood at the gate of the park, and she continued, "I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend." 

They are literally made for each other - Felix thought as he grimaced. 

"Why would you want to do that?" he asked incredulously. 

"Alright, since you're good at keeping secrets, I'll tell you this: Jisung played with my feelings, and I'm going to play him back. And for that, I'll need you to be my pretend boyfriend." 

"Why me?!"

"Because you're his soulmate, and he would easily believe you," she gave him a smug smile. 

Felix contemplated upon the thought. And after a long pause, he realized that the two were hurting themselves through this. However, with the way their brains worked, this was probably the easiest yet complicated ways to get them to confess to each other.

So he looked at her and smiled.

"Let's do this." 

(a/n: If anyone here is a fan of Attack on Titan AND has read the manga, then I have a new book for you! It's called TO HER, 2000 YEARS LATER, and it begins after the climax of the manga. If you're up to read it, I bet you'll like it!) 

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