Chapter 37: Copycat

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"I'll be back in some time!" Jiwon yelled from the main hall, the voice reaching Sihyeon and Jisung, who were in Sihyeon's room.

"Okay!" Sihyeon yelled back a response, and they heard the main door opening and slamming shut.

"Alright," she turned to Jisung, who was sitting on her computer chair, while she sat cross-legged on her bed, "What do you wanna do?"

Jisung innocently spoke, "Can I sit on the bed?"

"Oh, sure!" Sihyeon shifted, making space for him to sit. He copied her, crossing his legs and facing her. Behind Sihyeon was the head of the bed, and behind Jisung was the foot of the bed.

Jisung propped up his forearm on his knee, and his chin on his palm, almost hiding his lips, which were stretched into a fond smile. Sihyeon copied his posture, propping up her forearm on her knee and her jaw on her palm.

Both of them giggled, and he spoke, "Are you trying to copy me?"

"You were copying me initially!" she protested in a pleasant tone.

"Uh huh?" Jisung said, lifting his other hand up, and she copied him, "Look who's copying me now!"

"Shut up, it's fun," Sihyeon chuckled.

"Of course! I put the 'fun' in 'funeral'," Jisung tried, but earned a sarcastic laugh from her.

"You're so mean," he pouted, and she copied his pout too, saying, "Sorry, babe."

"Did you just call me babe?!"

"Yeah," she shyly giggled. Adoring her precious smile, his eyes crinkled by the sides too, as he smiled widely.

Jisung then unpropped his hand, and she copied him. So he brought that hand in front of his face, just not hiding his upper face, and she did the same too. His eyes locked with hers when his lifted hand touched hers, and intertwined his fingers with hers. She wasn't slow to copy the movement too, and the next second, their hands were interlocked with each others'.

A bright smirk spread on his lips when he pulled her hand to him and kissed her knuckles, and she was too flustered to make another move.

"Hm? Not gonna copy me now, copycat?" Jisung slyly snickered, and that motivated Sihyeon to challenge him to it.

And then, she brought his hand to her lips and kissed the back of his hand too.

"You really love challenges, I see," he chortled, "Then reply to this."

Without a warning, his lips were on hers, and her eyes widened at the sudden kiss. However, she wasn't the one to shy away from a challenge, even though she knew that it was just a pleasant joke... and an excuse to kiss each other.

So her eyes closed and she kissed him back fiercely, her hand leaving his, and entangling her fingers in his hair. He smiled into the kiss, making it more playful than passionate and full of desire, and felt her repeat the same action against his lips.

But not even a second later, he felt her deepen the kiss, making the moment steamier than it was supposed to be. As an instinct, he climbed on top of her, pushing her back on the bed with their lips still attached to each others'. In the heat of the moment, they didn't hear the main door of the apartment open.

They pulled away for a second, just to catch their breaths, and before they could move any further, they heard a knock on SIhyeon's room door, and their eyes widened.

"Sihyeon, look who I got-" Jiwon opened the door accidentally, and it opened fully to reveal Felix and her standing.

And when they realized what position Jisung and Sihyeon were in, they gasped.


Also, if you guys wanna be featured in the description of this book, please leave your reviews!! Thanks for reading! I love you!) 

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