Chapter 38: Studying Zoology

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"I SWEAR TO GOD, IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Sihyeon shrieked, sitting up straight on the bed, accidentally banging her forehead with Jisung's head, who was still atop her.

"Ow!" the two cried in unison.

"Uh... okay?" Jiwon tried to come clean, embarrassed, "W-We'll come back later?"

Felix had absorbed the shock, and was now giving Jisung a Lenny face. Jisung's eyes widened, and through the soulmate telepathy connection, he instantly knew what Felix was thinking.

"HEY!" Jisung exclaimed, high-key embarrassed, "WE WEREN'T DOING THAT!"

"How do you know what I'm referring to?" Felix wiggled his eyebrows.


"Oh, really? Then what else were you doing?" the deep-voiced one suggestively questioned.

"We were, uh," Jisung was out of options, "S-Studying zoology."

Everyone else in the room sighed in disappointment.

"We were kissing," Sihyeon confidently spoke. Jiwon was too uncomfortable to function properly.

"More like making out," Felix laughed in his deep voice, making both Jisung and Sihyeon to be sheepish and awkward. The two were still in bed, only sitting on the base of their knees.

"Stop," Jisung tried his best to not let the red shade show on his face, "We were doing adult things, child. Close your eyes."

"Huh-" Felix was sort of offended, "We're the same age!"

"Nope. Sihyeon," he told his girlfriend, "Meet our adoptive child. His name is Yongbok."

"Oh?" Sihyeon nervously laughed, "Okay... child?"

"GUYS!" Felix whined in disapproval, "DON'T PLAY THE YONGBOK CARD!"

"Um...?" Jiwon finally spoke up, and everyone looked at her as she spoke slowly, "Did you guys do the thing to make me an aunt? I ain't ready yet!"

"JIWON!" Sihyeon rolled her eyes, "We were just K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Felix and Jiwon cast a look at each other, and began in unison, "JISUNG AND SIHYEON, SITTING UNDER A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Why is this so childish!" Sihyeon cried dramatically.

"Hey, you two are meant for each other! You're literally adopting each others' habits!" Felix remarked in astonishment.

"Huh? How?" Sihyeon questioned.

"You're being dramatic like him, and he's using sarcasm at the dorm, lately," the freckled boy beamed.

"He's being sarcastic?!" Jiwon stood agape, "What's happened to my bias?"

"I keep forgetting that you guys have biases," Jisung joked.

"Sihyeon, please," Felix pouted, begging, "Keep me your bias, please!"

"Of course, Lix!" the said girl cooed at his adorable habit.

Jisung, envying Felix, spoke to Jiwon, "Jiwon, ple-"


"But Jiwon-"

"I'M OUT OF THIS! COME, FELIX, LET'S GO!" the girl was truly fed up of the love triangles - so much so, that she had forgotten if it was a triangle or some other shaped drama. Heck, she was ready to flush out all the geometry she had ever studied.

So she grabbed Felix's wrist and scurried out of the room, leaving Jisung and Sihyeon gaping at the door she slammed shut behind her.

"What just happened...?" Sihyeon was at a loss for words.

"Remind me not to piss her off again."

(a/n: random filler because I've written the last two chapters in the same sitting since I'm on a caffeine high (as of 19 July, 2021 at least). Seriously, strong coffee keeps me happy :D

I tried convincing my mom to give me a cup of coffee every day because that keeps me happy, and my sis jumped in by saying, "That's what drug addicts say."

...And then, she was never heard of again.) 

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