Chapter 42: A Little Too Early

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Being struck with an aching head the following morning, Sihyeon squinted her eyes when the light from the window cascaded upon the furniture of her room, illuminating the dull chamber. It was annoying, considering how the slightest of brightness induced her headache by a hundred percent.

"This is why I shouldn't have gotten drunk," she muttered, rubbing her head in a futile attempt to ease the pain.

With a limited amount of vision through the squinted eyes, she moved her gaze around, and it landed on a tray on her nightstand. It had a couple of pills and a covered glass of water on top of it.

"Jiwon!" she called for her friend, glad that she had been so considerate for her.

A minute later, a hungover Jiwon stumbled into the room, saying, "Yeah?"

"Thanks for leaving this here for me," Sihyeon smiled through the pain (oh, so emo), and when Jiwon saw what she was referring to, she shook her head, "It wasn't me."

"Wait, what...?" Sihyeon thought about it, and added to that a bad hangover, so she groaned.

At that moment, however, she was reminded faintly of a piece of memory from the previous night: "Call your boyfriend!"

"Oh, no," she started, "No, no, no!"

"Huh?" Jiwon was still in a daze as she watched Sihyeon grab her phone and swipe through it, dialing a number.

"Hello?" It was Jisung's voice from the other end, and as soon as Jiwon came to her senses, she was reminded of a part of last night's events too: Felix trying to throw her on her bed, and her just climbing out of the bed every two seconds and laughing.

Jiwon screamed, "DID I JUST ANNOY LEE FELIX?"

And the act of screaming increased the headache for both of them, making them wince.

"Hello to you too, Jiwon," Jisung spoke from the other end.

"Were you... were you here last night?" Sihyeon questioned.

"Yeah, I was."

"Okay, before I go insane over what might have happened last night, first of all, thank you for the pills," Sihyeon spoke.

"Of course, babe," she could almost hear him grin, if that was possible.

"Please tell Felix that I'm sorry!" Jiwon practically yelled and rushed out of the room.

"Okay, so that's that," Sihyeon mumbled, "I hope I didn't trouble you enough last night."

Jisung laughed, "You don't want to know what happened last night."

Sihyeon paused, her throat going dry.


"You were so drunk, Sihyeon," he spoke from the other end, "And you were..."

"What else, oh, god?"

"We almost..." he inhaled, "Yeah, we almost."


"It wasn't only my fault! You were so stubborn and... very tempting," Jisung said, licking his lips.

"O-Oh..." Sihyeon grew red, "I, um, I don't quite remember all that happened, but-"

"I love you, Sihyeon."

Sihyeon immediately stopped talking, and her breathing quickened; eyes slowly growing wide with each passing second.


"You said that last night, and I know you were drunk, so it might have been a spur of the moment kinda thing, but I mean it. I truly love you. Sihyeon."

"Uh," she nervously chuckled, "Are you sure about that?"

"I've never been more sure," sincerity reflected from his voice, even though they were over a call.

"I..." she breathed in, "Don't you think it's a little too early for us to say that?"

He stayed silent for a moment, "It might be for you, but... I said what I said."


"Your head must be hurting now. We'll talk later. And have those pills that I left on your side table," that was the last thing she heard from him on the call, as she hummed in response and hung up.

She plopped down on the bed, her headache having magically vanished upon hearing those words from him. She had better things to worry about than a mere hangover.

"Shit, this is crazy."

(a/n: next up is the last chapter, and then the epilogue!

Thanks for reading so far! Please recommend this book to your friends if you like it! I love you!) 

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