Chapter 6: Among Us Or Fanfiction?

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Jisung was scrolling through social media, checking Instagram and seeing their last posts. Apparently, Seungmin and Hyunjin were obsessed with posting their pictures, he didn't understand why. But he wasn't as bad as Chan – who forgets to post his pictures every time.

And at the moment, in the practice room, he was posing from different angles for a selca. Although everyone knows that he would make the same pose every time, he was trying to find a good angle to "enhance his handsomeness", as he would say.

Just as he clicked a couple of good pictures, he was ready to upload it under their social media handle. And as he was about to click on the option for post, another notification showed up on the top, blocking the post button, and in the millisecond that it happened, he accidentally clicked on the notification that said:

Video call from CrushMePapi 

Guess what he accidentally clicked on.

*A few minutes ago*

Jiwon walked in unannounced in Sihyeon's room, and the sight before her astonished her.

The said girl was currently doing yoga to Miroh, and while doing a headstand, she looked at Jiwon and creepily smiled at her.

"Wrong time," Jiwon grimaced, and as she was about to exit, Sihyeon called for her, "No, stop!"

Jiwon paused, looking at her roommate and sighing.

"Why?" she questioned.

"I have an interesting piece of news to share," Sihyeon spoke, still doing her headstand.


"I'm talking to a guy who is telling me that he's Han Jisung from Stray Kids."

"Oka- wait, what?" Jiwon stilled in shock, and Sihyeon thankfully lowered her feet to the ground, sitting down on the yoga mat by crossing her legs.

"You're lying!" Jiwon exclaimed, coming down to sit before her.

"That guy is lying," Sihyeon laughed.

"Dude, what if he is Han Jisung?" Jiwon widened her eyes to give the effect.

"Please! I would know if it was one of the boys talking to me! I have watched a hell lot of crack videos and behind the scenes to know what they are like!" Sihyeon sassily blew over her nails.

"But but but! What if you become another Aisha! Like, I don't know how Chan and Aisha met, the news never revealed the truth about them, but what if-"

"Are you hearing yourself? Heo Aisha? And me? Well, she's a queen! I'm nothing compared to her," Sihyeon sighed sadly.

"Aw, don't be like that! You're amazing," Jiwon provided the moral support.

"I'll marry you someday."

"Please don't."

Both of them laughed.

"Anyways, let's see if this person really is Jisung or not," Jiwon suggested, and the other groaned.

"Oh, come on! Are you still thinking that this guy is Han Jisung? He's an impostor!"

"Shut up, this isn't a game of Among Us."

"And my life isn't a fanfiction as well!" (who's gonna tell her-)

Jiwon grabbed Sihyeon's phone, and knowing the password, she unlocked it and clicked on that very famous app.

"Stop!" Sihyeon jumped on Jiwon to seize her phone, and while it happened, one of them clicked the video call option accidentally.

Just as Sihyeon had the phone in her hands, she looked at the screen...

...And saw the much talked about idol staring at her, stunned.

The two locked eyes for a nanosecond, and that's when it clicked in her brain: GIRL, YOU'RE LOOKING AT HAN JISUNG THROUGH A VIDEO CALL.




Jisung yelled in alarm in sync with Sihyeon. He dropped the phone in terror, perhaps earning a huge crack on its screen, but he didn't care.

Did he just...?

Did he just go on a call with a pretty noona?

As the others stared at him, clueless, he stayed in the mode of shock for a minute, before picking up his phone to see that she had disconnected the call.

"What happened?" Felix asked.

And the first thought that came to his mind was:

"I just... saw her."


My sister reads all my books, and even though she was hesitant to read Sugar Daddy, thanks to its name, she read that book and this story and said that this book weirded her out and I'm like oh, that's normal.

If you're seeking any kind of advice, then please check out my book called THE BOOK OF ADVICE!) 

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