Chapter 41: Sexy Times

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Being carried by Jisung, held up by his arms, Sihyeon giggled uncontrollably, staring at his side face fondly. Without another thought, she pecked his cheek.

His arms shook a bit, as the sensation of her small kiss sent butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He looked at her, who was still looking at him with gleaming eyes. He, however, resisted that feeling and laid her down on her bed.

"Go to sleep, okay?" he spoke, and she whined, "Nooo!"

"Alright," Jisung sat on the bed beside her, "What do you wanna do?"

Sihyeon didn't give him a chance to speak anything further, as she pulled him by the collar to crash her lips against his.

His eyes widened, and the next second, he found himself fighting the urge to resist the kiss. Yet, he gave in to the feeling, as she passionately delved into the kiss, producing wet sounds as she pulled away and kissed back again.

Her hands found their way to his hair, and just the way she loved to do it, she entangled her fingers in his soft, fluffy hair, playing with them while she moaned into the kiss.

Jisung wasn't able to hold himself back after that.

He grunted into the kiss, his hands cupping her face delicately yet possessively, and once again, he pushed her back, recreating the scene that had occurred previously.

He pulled away from the kiss to see Sihyeon biting her lower lip, her eyes dazed and in desire.

"Let's continue where we left off," she slurred, somehow still sounding hot to him.

Jisung didn't waste a single moment in gripping her shoulders and reattaching his lips to hers, forcing his dominance over her, while she simply enjoyed it.

The kisses became sloppy, and he ended the kiss with a couple of pecks on her lips, proceeding to leave light kisses on her jaw, traveling down to her neck. Sihyeon whimpered when she felt his soft kisses on her neck, and her eyes closed, and her hands went up to his shirt.

She felt his abs through his t-shirt, and annoyed by the barrier of the cloth, she whined lowly, "Jisung..."

"Yes, babe?" he spoke between the kisses.

"Take off your shirt," she continued whining, pulling the shirt up from his abdomen, and Jisung complied, rising a little bit so she could pull it off him. As soon as the shirt was off, she took a good look at his robust chest, and giggled, "I want you so bad!"

That's when the alarms went off in his head.

Jisung, what are you doing? - his conscience spoke to him, and all of a sudden, doing this to Sihyeon felt so wrong.

She was drunk, wasn't she? If he went any further with the act, he knew that he wouldn't be able to halt and that it would lead to both of them regretting everything the next morning.

He couldn't take an advantage of her in such a state.

"Jisungie?" she cried out, "Make love to me!"

His cheeks had a red hue on them as he muttered, "We aren't doing this, Sihyeon."

"Why?" she whined like a toddler, "I want you!"

"I do too, but..." he smiled, caressing her cheek, "Someday when we're not drunk and really want it."

She creased her forehead, making puppy eyes at him, and he chuckled, "You're adorable."

With that, he picked up his shirt from the ground, and turned to leave, when he heard her whisper, "I love you, Jisungie."

He halted.

She said what?

He turned around, only to find her dozed off on the bed, very conveniently having confused and startled him.

And without a doubt, he found himself saying, "I don't know if you mean it, but I love you, Sihyeon."

Planting a kiss on her forehead, he headed out of the room, seeing Felix sitting on the couch. As soon as the Aussie saw him, he spoke, "I put Jiwon to sleep, but... were you two having sexy times?"

"Why does it always have to be you?!"


Lmao sorry, I hope I didn't go overboard! Not gonna make this the 50 shades series, of course :D

Thanks for reading so far! I love you!) 

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