Chapter 2: The Rare Thing

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"I think you really screwed up yesterday," Minho patted Jisung on the back, "Proud of you."

"Excuse me?" Jisung spoke, offended.

"What are we talking about?" Chan spoke, intrigued. The eight were sitting in the practice room, having just entered the chamber in hopes of practicing their dance routines.

"You won't believe what happened," Jeongin giggled.

"And I don't think such a thing would ever happen again," Felix added.

"Yeah! Like take-me-on-a-date-and-bang-my-head-against-the-wall kinda rare thing," Hyunjin added as well.

"It's nothing that big!" Jisung argued.

"I'm interested now. What did you screw up, Jisung?" Chan asked with a huge smile on his face.

"Tell him, tell him," Changbin persuaded.

Jisung got triggered by Changbin, and he sharply turned his head towards him and spat, "Oh, so you're very interested in me telling Channie about it?"

"Yo, don't attack me!"

"What did you even do?" Chan asked again.

"He made the second biggest mistake of his life; the first one being making an account on that app," Seungmin cringed.

"Okay, so I may or may not have revived my old account on... Father Material app-" Jisung couldn't even get a chance to finish when Chan jumped up.




"WHA- NO!"

"THEN WHY?" Chan was jumping up and down in anticipation.

"Why are you as loud as Hyunjin today?" Seungmin complained, getting a 'yah!' from the said man.

"I was just... I just-" Jisung got cut off again – this time, by Minho.

"He was just jealous of you and Aisha."

"Correction: envious," Jisung eyed him.

"Means the same."

"No, it does not."

"Okay, boomer."

"Wait wait, so you're telling me that our little Jisungie is growing up?" Chan raised a brow.

"Yes?" Jisung admitted.

"And he wants a girlfriend?"


"Oh, my god, I support you! I-" Chan couldn't finish his sentence when Jisung's phone tinged with a notification. And undoubtedly, it was from CrushMePapi.

"Is it her?" Chan brightened up.

"Unfortunately, yes," Jisung grabbed his phone to see her message.

CrushMePapi: yo you up yet? I'm bored

"Write something! Write something!" Chan pushed.

"I don't even like her!"

"You will like her!"

"Ew, no, I won't!"

"You will, because the author wants to!"


"Oof, I'll write," Jisung surrendered, and began writing:

LonelyBoi: it's ten in the morning do you expect me to be sleeping rn

"And THAT'S your username?" Chan skeptically questioned.

"Gosh, don't judge me!"

CrushMePapi: whoa whoa you early bird

CrushMePapi: you got no chill

LonelyBoi: and you got no jams


LonelyBoi: y u do dis I crie evrytiem

CrushMePapi: y u crie I do dis evrytiem

LonelyBoi: no doubts about that

"...So this is how you're gonna fall in love?" Minho clicked his tongue, "Yeah, you're single for the rest of your life."

"No! I support this idea!" Chan back-hugged Jisung, "He'll find love along the way!"

"Even I doubt that," Jisung spoke up.

"Shush, child."


"No buts!"

Seungmin sighed, "This is gonna be a long ride."

(a/n: so my friend, who isn't on Wattpad, and I are PLANNING (keyword: PLANNING) to write a Minsung fanfic-

Also, if you want some advice, kindly check out my book 'THE BOOK OF ADVICES'!) 

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