Chapter 1: "I like lace"

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Sihyeon stared in disbelief at her phone's screen displaying the match for her.


That was the username she had been matched with. That.

"That sounds desperate," she clicked her tongue, reading the description of the said username's holder:

20, pursuing music and in search for love.

Who comes here to love anyway?

Sihyeon then clicked on the option to find someone else, and the entire page reloaded to display another username: Daddy12345.

"Too desperate again," she grimaced, and decided to try it out. At least the person wasn't a "lonely boi".

46, I like lace. hmu.

"Oh, my god, no!" she screeched.

"What?" Came the faint voice of Jiwon from her own room.

Sihyeon gulped, knowing that she had woken up the devil from her sleep. She closed her eyes when she heard shuffling footsteps coming from her room, and then, the door opened to reveal a livid Jiwon, her hair pointing in all directions.

"Care to explain why you chose to wake me up from my precious sleep?" she glowered at Sihyeon, who in turn smiled innocently at her.

"I'm sorry, I just came across a pedo."

At that, Jiwon's face morphed into that of disgust.

"You're still doing that?"

"Yeah, kinda..."

Jiwon walked towards her and plopped down on the sofa beside her, and Sihyeon explained the situation to her.

"I think you should reload the page and get a better guy... who isn't a pedo," she suggested, quirking her eyebrows.

"Alrighty," Sihyeon hummed to herself as she clicked on the option for finding a match yet again, and once again, the same name showed.


Jiwon burst into a fit of laughter.

"DO THEY HAVE NO BETTER PEOPLE?" Sihyeon yelled at no one, which made her roommate laugh even harder.

"You guys are a match made in heaven, I guess," Jiwon teased her, and she sighed, saying,

"Okay, let's see what we got here."


"Okay, let's see what we got here."

Jisung spoke, stretching his arms and legs and doing the deep breathing exercises.

"Is our LonelyBoi nervous?" Minho teased, laughing to his heart's content.

"Shut up! I put that name long ago and I don't know how to change it!" Jisung argued.

"Okay, lonely squirrel, go on," Hyunjin joined in.

Jisung licked his lips when he opened the chat, typing to 'CrushMePapi' an ice-breaker.

LonelyBoi: hi

CrushMePapi: please tell me that you aren't a 46 year old pedo who likes lace

Jeongin and Felix, who were peeking at his phone, fell back on the ground, laughing so hard that they were clutching their stomach.

"Don't laugh!" Jisung protested, "I think this was a bad idea."

"Yes, sir, or should I say the bearer of bad ideas?" Seungmin laughed.


"Whatever, you aren't doing well anyway," Minho pointed out, and Jisung inhaled and exhaled, and then wrote the smartest answer that there ever was.

LonelyBoi: I might not be a 46 year old pedo but I like lace

"Are you dumb or are you dumb?" Changbin sighed in defeat.

"Let's see what she replies with," Jeongin curiously asked, inwardly laughing.

CrushMePapi: omg whatta flirt, Romeo

CrushMePapi: I'm totally in love w you


And then the entire room burst into laughter — well, except for the poor Romeo.

"I give up on him!" Felix breathed out while laughing hard.

"I totally feel the second hand embarrassment, but for some reason, I'm enjoying this," Minho commented.

"Imma deal with this without your help, just wait and watch," Jisung challenged, and commenced typing again... only to produce the second smartest answer in the world.

LonelyBoi: what

CrushMePapi: my love, do you not understand sarcasm?

LonelyBoi: ohmygod I have embarrassed myself enough bye

CrushMePapi: no wait Mr. Lonely boi!!

LonelyBoi: I regret all my life choices

CrushMePapi: lmao if I were you, I'd do that too

"She's a savage!" Hyunjin seal-clapped.

"Not more than me!" Jisung evilly laughed. And be prepared for the third smartest answer of all time.

LonelyBoi: I don't think so, you wanna-be-crushed lady

CrushMePapi: at least I'm not a lonely boi

LonelyBoi: at least I don't want to be crushed by a Spanish dad

CrushMePapi: you take that back!!

LonelyBoi: nice to meet you too

(a/n: I absolutely LOVED writing this lmao, did you like it?

Also, to those who don't know, Jiwon is E:U from Everglow)

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