Chapter 28: What Couples Do

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"So..." Jisung sheepishly rubbed the nape of his neck, "We're a couple now?"

"Yes," Sihyeon smiled widely, sending jolts to his heart. He now truly understood Chan when he told him how he felt when he was with Aisha. The pleasant currents to the heart when your significant other smiles at you - or just generally appears adorable - is what you would experience when you like them a lot.

And for Jisung, well, he was whipped; he realized it then and there when Sihyeon accepted his apology and chose to be his girlfriend.

Currently, the two were sitting in the living room of Sihyeon and Jiwon's shared apartment, and Jiwon had left the two "lovebirds" alone (yes, Sihyeon did cringe at that).

"What do couples do?" Jisung questioned.

"Uh..." Sihyeon raised an eyebrow, thinking out loud, "They, um, post cheesy pictures on Instagram with extra cheesy captions?"

"Let's just ignore that option."


"What else?"

"Um..." Sihyeon thought aloud again, "They... kiss and cuddle?"

"You're really so innocent," Jisung laughed, and she hit him with a pillow on his shoulder,

"Stop making fun of me!"

Jisung laughed harder at her reddening face, "You're so cute!"

"Ew, no cheesiness!" Sihyeon joined in the laughter.

"You hurt my feelings! Ow, my heart!" Jisung, having lived with Hyunjin for so long, dramatically pretended that his heart ached, and he placed his hands over his chest and scrunched up his face. Sihyeon laughed at him.

"Alright, I'll take it back!"

"So are we gonna do the couple stuff now?" Jisung questioned, recovering from his peal of laughter.

"We're gonna... kiss?" she chuckled nervously.

"Oh?" Jisung spoke, and turned completely towards her, placing one of his legs on the sofa's surface. She took a deep breath and replied with the same motion, and looked straight into his eyes.

And in his eyes, she saw adoration. Pure adoration; all what resided soulfully inside him, and what there was to share with her. She felt grateful and proud to have that part of his all to herself. That's what she wanted to believe in - that brewing emotion of adoration in his eyes was for her.

However, there was a part of her that was too insecure to believe in that. What if she was just being arrogant and selfish to have all that love to herself? What if she was delusional?

Yet, they leaned towards each other, closing their eyes and shakily moving closer... until Jisung opened his eyes and kissed her on the tip of her nose.

Upon feeling the feathery kiss on her nose, she opened her eyes and looked at him, who was smiling at her.

"...uh?" she didn't know what to say.

"You weren't ready for this kiss; I could see it in your eyes," Jisung spoke.

"I'm sorry," Sihyeon crinkled her eyes and frowned.

"Hey, hey," he held her shoulders, "You don't need to be sorry. I might not be the best one to date, but I want you to be honest with me. I'll be honest too, alright? Just tell me if you feel uncomfortable doing something. I swear, I would understand."

"That's just too kind of you," she said, now realizing that the man in front of her was more than just a fun-loving, immature boy who wanted a noona. He was mature enough to handle himself and her, too, and was wise and good with words indeed. She almost felt guilty for doubting his wit.

"Nope," he smiled his cute, ear-to-ear grin, and spoke, "It's mutual understanding. But well, what else do couples do that you wanna do?"

"Cuddles?" her eyes lit up upon suggesting that, and he removed his shoes and laid back on the wide sofa they were sitting on.

"Come, let's cuddle!" he joyously spoke, and Sihyeon's eyes widened, "Here?"

"What, are you too eager to move into the bed with me?" he wiggled his eyebrows, earning an embarrassed "shut up" from Sihyeon.

She laid down beside him, and wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her close to him. She rested her head atop his shoulder, and her hand on his chest, kind of feeling his well-defined muscles under his t-shirt.

With her head placed right above his heart, she could feel his heartbeat going bonkers, and she didn't protest because so was hers. However, she rubbed her over his chest in a soothing manner, lightly brushing over his cloth. That made the heartbeat faster, so she spoke, "Relax, Jisung. We're good. I love this."

And his heartbeat soon slowed down, and they closed their eyes into the calming moment, and were lost into slumber not-so long after.

Meanwhile, Jiwon entered the house after a long walk in the park near their place, and upon entering the apartment and witnessing them cuddling to sleep, she inwardly screamed.

Because her ship was sailing.

(a/n: i had to watch a lot of Ouran High School Host Club to get myself into a mood of writing. BUT I DID IT! I ACTUALLY WROTE THE CHAPTER!) 

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